Message from the Senior Vice President, Academic – April 28

Dear Colleagues and Learners,

The start of a new term is always exciting! Welcome to all of our new students beginning studies at Algonquin College. Welcome also to our new employees joining the team for the first time. It is my sincere hope that each of you will find your experience fulfilling.

We also mark the continuation of many programs, including apprenticeship training. I thank everyone whose work or studies have required them to come to our campuses in these difficult times. I want to recognize the professionalism and commitment of those who continue to attend campuses to participate in required, hands-on academic instruction. I also want to recognize that these times have been difficult for those who have been learning and working remotely. We have each experienced our own unique challenges. Your efforts have enabled the College to continue to help our students gain the knowledge and skills they will need to be successful in their chosen fields.

For most post-secondary programs, classes begin the week of May 10. I have included a link to the Registrar’s Office webpage for our learners that will provide a great deal of information that may be helpful. (Note, specific program-delivery pages have also been created for New and Returning students.)

Algonquin College has worked with public health organizations to develop protocols and procedures to minimize the chance of spread of COVID-19. I believe it is safe to say we are all weary of the pandemic and the measures we have had to take in order to keep ourselves and those around us safe and healthy. Through these measures, the College has experienced relatively few cases with on-campus involvement since we began to invite students back to our campuses in July of 2020. However, as a third wave of COVID-19 infections is currently spreading through Ontario, we need to continue to strictly adhere to the protocols. We continue to monitor both industry and public health requirements and recommendations and adjust our protocols accordingly to ensure the College remains safe.

If your program is being delivered in a hybrid mode, part remote and part face-to-face on one of our physical campuses, please familiarize yourself with our COVID-19 health and safety protocols and training. New students and employees should be aware of the access requirements for campuses, such as self-screening and complete the online training prior to coming to campus the first time. Those required to be on our campuses can also download and use our College COVID-19 App to self-screen before attending. Please note that the only people attending campuses should be students participating in hands-on instruction and authorized employees who support these activities.

The current status of services available on campuses can be found here. Note that food service choices on the Ottawa campus will be limited; the Starbucks in the Student Commons and the Observatory will continue to be operated by the Students’ Association for curbside pickup. Limited takeout food service will available at both the Perth and Pembroke campuses.

Spring is traditionally a time for renewal and optimism. And while current pandemic restrictions require the majority of our interactions to be virtual this term, there are encouraging signs as Ontario and Canada’s vaccine rollout continues. While we are not able to meet face-to-face, I encourage you to participate in and engage in the many virtual events, services and supports available to you. I also want to remind everyone of the mental health resources that are available to learners and employees.

As we engage in the new term, it is important that we also closely monitor our own needs during these challenging and stressful times, and continue to find ways to support peers and colleagues. Through our commitment to one another’s safety and success – and Algonquin’s values of Caring, Learning, Integrity and Respect – I know another successful Spring term lies ahead of us,


Chris Janzen

Senior Vice-President, Academic


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