Message from the Senior Vice President, Academic

Dear Colleagues and Learners:

In his communique on January 13th, the President highlighted the new Provincial stay-at-home order. At that time, the regulations detailing the new restrictions had not yet been released. Those regulations are now available and I promised to outline any additional adjustments required for in-person learning activities.

As you know, the Winter Term began on January 11th for most programs. Any learning activity that can be delivered remotely is being delivered remotely. We have carefully reviewed the regulations around the stay-at-home order, particularly as they pertain to face-to-face instruction. I am pleased to report that these have resulted in very few additional changes to program delivery being required.

While most courses do not require further adjustments, the extension of the restriction to 10 or fewer persons in any given instructional space until at least February 19, 2021 means some programs have had to adjust plans for required face-to-face activities. Learners in programs that will undergo changes to the delivery of these activities will receive communication directly from their program staff by Friday, January 22nd.

Most apprenticeship levels had been delayed until the week of January 25th. The stay-at-home order has not required any further delay. All scheduled apprenticeship levels will start as scheduled. Apprenticeship students will hear from their Program Coordinator shortly if they have not already heard from them.

Co-op placements will proceed under employers’ guidelines/restrictions. If an employer is able and willing to have a co-op placement, learners may proceed with their placement. Questions around co-op placements should be directed to the Cooperative Education Department.

In addition to co-op, other scheduled placements and internships are continuing in most programs, although in some programs they may now be virtual while others maintain face-to-face activities (in keeping with all health and safety protocols). Unfortunately, depending on the level and learning outcomes, some placements and internships in some programs have been deferred. In addition, there are not always enough placements and some students have chosen to do an alternate assessment for a variety of reasons – including health concerns and not being comfortable in placements. Due to required learning outcomes, alternative assessment is not an option in every program. For those experiences postponed by the shutdown, alternative arrangements will be examined. Program staff are in the process of communicating with learners about the specifics of placements in their program.

I know the uncertainty of how programs will be delivered this term has added to our stress levels. I would like to take this time to remind everyone of the mental health resources available to them.

Thank you for your continued patience and perseverance. Working together, we can continue to chart a course forward through the uncertainties of the pandemic to ensure a successful Winter Term.


Chris Janzen

Senior Vice President, Academic



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