Message from the President – January 11

Dear Colleagues and Learners,

Welcome to our 2021 Winter term! To our new learners and employees, my sincerest thanks for joining our Algonquin College community.

When the clock ticked down to its last moments of 2020 and we turned the page on a challenging year unlike any other, many of us began looking ahead in earnest with renewed hope for better days on the horizon. My immediate hope is that the holiday break provided all of us time to relax and recharge.

While the evolving nature of the pandemic continues to create many unknowns ahead, we are more prepared than ever to face any additional challenges together. This is thanks to the diligent health and safety measures in place on our community campuses and the dynamic approaches being taken to deliver our programs, as well as the tremendous amount of COVID-19 resources we have created to support our learners and employees. Most of all, this is due to your extraordinary efforts to keep our college community, and the broader community we serve, safe while meeting our primary mission – to transform hopes and dreams into lifelong success.

We also know for certain that the threat posed by COVID-19 remains at its highest level, given the presently reported COVID-19 statistics and trends. There are difficult months in front of us that will require our continued collective resolve. Maintaining our vigilance around health and safety – wearing our masks, social distancing, washing our hands, following the directives set out by public health officials and using our College COVID-19 App, remain critically important to achieving our goals.

As such, we should expect that the health and safety measures and protocols we’ve put in place may require some adjustments as we continue to respond to evolving orders and regulations from government, as well as updated recommendations from public health authorities. This will require all of us to remain flexible and resilient, and I am confident that we will prevail. After all, everyone in our entire College community has repeatedly demonstrated how adaptable and creative we can be in the face of adversity. I look forward to seeing what we will accomplish together in 2021.

I wish everyone all the best as we embark on the start of this new year and our 2021 Winter term.


Claude Brulé

President and CEO


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