COVID-19 Safety Tips for the Holiday Break

Dear Colleagues and Learners:

As the Fall Term 2020 draws to a close, it is important to reflect on our experience related to the ongoing management of COVID-19 on our campuses. The Ottawa Campus is still in the Orange Level of the provincial re-opening framework and Ottawa continues to be challenged by fluctuating rates of infection in the community. Our Perth and Pembroke campuses are in Yellow and Green Zones, respectively – while the latter campus is experiencing an outbreak under assessment by the local health unit. Overall, the Eastern Ontario region is experiencing concerning increasing rates of infection.

During the Fall Term we have been able to sustain activity on our campuses to deliver hands-on instruction and support for over 7,000 learners, on a weekly basis.

This is largely attributable to the adherence to public safety protocols demonstrated by our entire College community. The commitment made by the College to establish safe practices and facilities can only be successful if everyone contributes by respecting these protocols and exercising vigilance in practicing good prevention measures.

On behalf of the Risk Management team, I would like to recognize all the employees, teams and College community members who have assisted in these efforts.

This is also an opportunity to provide the following short reminders to everyone for ongoing access to the campuses and to encourage everyone to practice these habits, even once we are away from our campuses for the Holiday break.


  • WASH / SANITIZE your hands frequent and avoid touching your face
  • PHYSICALLY DISTANCE yourself (2M) from others at all times on campus or away from campus
  • AVOID CROWDS, especially indoors
  • WEAR MASKS wherever they are required, including inside all College buildings


  • DO NOT come to campus if you are experiencing any symptoms
  • REPORT to your Supervisor or Coordinator / Chair if you are sick or experiencing symptoms
  • BE TESTED for COVID-19 in accordance with public health advice
  • FOLLOW all directions from public health agencies regarding quarantining / self-isolating
  • SELF-SCREEN every day and DO NOT attend campus if you have not passed the screening. Download the self-screening app to make this as easy as possible.

As the President said in his recent communique, every student and employee can make a difference and personally contribute to the safety of the entire College community – and their own families and loved ones – over the holiday break by following these basic practices at all times.

Please have a safe holiday season.


Colin Bonang

Director, Risk Management, Algonquin College


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