Message from the President – October 23

Dear Colleagues and Learners,

I want to start by recognizing your persistence, resilience and adaptability this fall. As we mark the Mid-Term Break period next week (October 26-30), it’s a time to reflect on the many unique challenges we have overcome together so far. Thank you for your continued hard work and collaborative spirit.

The Mid-Term break week is designed to be a chance to catch our collective breath – and support improved student mental health. To our learners, I hope you make the most of the week ahead – whether enjoying some down time or catching up on your studies. To our academic teams and in keeping with the intent of the Mid-Term break week, I ask you to limit academic expectations of students during this time. I hope this period offers an opportunity for you to focus on your own well-being and to engage in professional development opportunities like Kaleidoscope and Learning and Teaching Services’ Teaching Expo.

Much like the past Thanksgiving Weekend, those of you travelling next week must remain vigilant – and do all you can to protect loved ones and members of our college community.

I want to remind everyone of the new, provincial restrictions that have affected some of our Ottawa Campus amenities – namely, the closing of the Algonquin Commons Theatre, Gym, Fitness Zone, and Restaurant International until at least Saturday, November 7. (Limited take-away service remains available at select Ottawa campus food locations.) In addition, the Ontario Colleges Athletic Association recently suspended varsity team sports for the 2021 Winter term. I recognize that losing such enjoyments and recreations has become all-too common, but we must continue to make health and safety the number one priority in our efforts to minimize COVID-19 cases.

Lastly, on Wednesday, October 28, Algonquin College will proudly host its first-ever Virtual Convocation. And while our graduates cannot celebrate together in person with their peers and mentors, we can collectively celebrate the perseverance of this special group of graduates – most of whom had to adjust to remote learning amidst the pandemic in order to complete their studies. Their many success stories are a reflection of their individual efforts – but also of our entire community’s ability to rally together, adapt, and reimagine our ongoing mission to transform hopes and dreams into lifelong success.

Finally, I wish to acknowledge the significant efforts of countless employees of the College who have re-imagined our ceremony, preserving the traditional elements that make Convocation so special yet adapting them to an online environment.

I don’t know about you but I, for one, look forward to the virtual ceremonies and the post-convocation virtual receptions!

As always, stay safe and healthy, everyone.

Claude Brule Signature

Claude Brulé

President, CEO

Algonquin College


(Please note: The Fall Mid-Term Break does not apply to AC Online students. It only applies to students enrolled at our Ottawa, Perth and Pembroke campuses. For the week of Oct. 26-30, all AC Online classes and academic activities will carry on as per normal.)


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