Flu Vaccination Clinics 2020/21

It is more important than ever to reduce the spread of the flu.

Ottawa Public Health has confirmed that they will be distributing the influenza vaccines to long-term care facilities and nursing homes as a first priority, so we will likely receive our shipment of vaccines before the end of October. They will be distributing the vaccines evenly throughout the city of Ottawa based on availability, with no guarantees regarding a total number the College may receive.

Algonquin College’s Health Services has been working closely with Risk Management and Ottawa Public Health to finalize plans to provide flu shots this Fall. In keeping with College intentions to minimize on-campus population as much as possible and based on potentially limited availability, we will be offering flu shot vaccinations to all students and employees who are already approved to be on campus for work and/or study as well as to all students living in Residence.

Although the number of vaccines available through Health Services may be limited, there will be numerous locations within the city of Ottawa whereby students and employees can get their flu shot. As soon as Ottawa Public Health shares the information regarding locations to get the flu shot, we will relay this information to the College community.

Watch for further updates in the coming days and weeks.

In addition to getting your flu vaccine, you can help stop the spread of the flu, and protect yourself and your family by following a few easy steps:

  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water, or use hand sanitizer
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Germs spread this way.
  • Cover your coughs and sneezes with your arm, not your hand.
  • Maintain physical distancing of 2 metres (6 feet) apart
  • Wear a mask in all circumstances where required.
  • If you are sick, STAY HOME.
  • Do not visit hospitalized patients or residents of retirement homes or long-term care homes if you are experiencing flu-like symptoms.
  • Abide by the regulations for maximum group sizes for indoor and outdoor gatherings
  • Abide by the current Ottawa Public Health guidance to limit your social interactions to just those within your household.


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