Algonquin wins Prix d’Excellence award for Best Community Outreach Initiative

OTTAWA (May 25) – Algonquin College has won a Prix d’Excellence award from the Canadian Council for the Advancement of Education for Best Community Outreach Initiative.

The CCAE recognized the College with a Silver Award for its Introduction to Esthetics for New Canadians Program offered in 2019. It was the third year in a row the CCAE has honoured Algonquin.

The award was presented Friday in an online ceremony after the COVID-19 pandemic forced the cancellation of the organization’s annual conference.

President Claude Brulé congratulated all those in the School of Hospitality and Tourism involved in the program. “The Esthetics for New Canadians Program was truly an inspiring way to welcome newcomers to Canada. You can take pride in having helped them settle into their new homes.”

Algonquin worked with the Ottawa Chinese Community Service Centre (OCCSC) to develop the program. The partners wanted to provide hands-on learning programs that would give female Syrian refugees the skills and certifications necessary to find jobs or start their own businesses.

“The specific need for this program was to give Syrian women who’d come to Canada the opportunity to acquire job-ready skills and the opportunity to work,” said Natasha Wood, Professor and Program Coordinator of Algonquin’s Esthetics Program.

Believed to be the only one of its kind in Canada, the Esthetics Program was offered to four cohorts of Syrian women in 10-week sessions. It provided them with training in nail care, hair removal and makeup artistry – all with a view to helping them find meaningful work in their new country.

Providing these women with job skills would help them and their families integrate into Canadian society, Woods said.

The CCAE is a volunteer-led organization that promotes excellence in educational advancement, offering professional learning programs designed to meet the needs of 4,400 members at 132 Canadian educational institutions.

For more information:

Ruth Dunley
Communications Manager
Algonquin College
Office: 613-727-4723 ext. 6452
Mobile: 613-406-0970

Chris Lackner

Communications Officer

Algonquin College

Office: 613-727-4723 ext. 2091

Mobile: 613-220-3479

About Algonquin College:
The mission of Algonquin College of Applied Arts and Technology is to transform hopes and dreams into lifelong success. Algonquin College, an Ontario public sector community college, does this by offering hands-on, digitally connected, experiential learning in more than 185 programs. Based in the Ottawa Valley, Algonquin College is the largest polytechnic institute in Eastern Ontario.


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