Algonquin College receives Award for Internationalization Excellence

OTTAWA (May 19) – Algonquin College was honoured Tuesday with an Award of Excellence from Colleges and Institutes Canada.

Algonquin’s International Education Centre received CICan’s Silver Award for Internationalization Excellence. It is the second CICan award the Centre has received since 2016 when it won Bronze.

While recipients of the 2020 Awards of Excellence could not be recognized in person because the COVID-19 pandemic forced the cancellation of CICan’s annual conference, the association created an online showcase to share and celebrate their achievements.

“I want to congratulate everyone involved with the International Education Centre for guiding our efforts on Internationalization and the entire College community for embracing this monumental shift,” said Claude Brulé, President and CEO, Algonquin College. “International students are an important part of our community and I am proud of all the hard work that has gone into helping them feel at home on our campuses – work that has required the coordinated efforts of all our departments and services.”

The award acknowledges the International Education Centre’s efforts to extend internationalization throughout the entire College. Among various measures, the Centre has focused on providing international students with services that help them better adapt to Canadian society and college life.

“The International Education Centre is honoured to receive this award,” said the Centre’s Director, Ernest Mulvey. “It is a testament to our staff and student peer mentors and their dedication to internationalizing Algonquin.”

In 2019, the College adopted a five-year International Strategic Plan that includes establishing cross-college services to support international students, and providing intercultural training for faculty and support staff. The various measures established so far include: providing comprehensive free arrival services for international students; and establishing the Intercultural Teaching Institute to support faculty and staff in their internationalization of programs and the curricula.

Colleges and Institutes Canada is the national and international voice of Canada’s publicly supported colleges, institutes of technology, cégeps, polytechnics and universities with a college mandate. The Awards of Excellence honour best practices and leadership in these institutions.


Media Contacts:

Ruth Dunley
Communications Manager
Algonquin College
Office: 613-727-4723 ext. 6452
Mobile: 613-406-0970

Chris Lackner
Communications Officer
Algonquin College
Office: 613-727-4723 ext. 2091
Mobile: 613-220-3479

About Algonquin College:
The mission of Algonquin College of Applied Arts and Technology is to transform hopes and dreams into lifelong success. Algonquin College, an Ontario public sector community college, does this by offering hands-on, digitally connected, experiential learning in more than 185 programs. Based in the Ottawa Valley, Algonquin College is the largest polytechnic institute in Eastern Ontario.


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