Coronavirus Update – Spring Term

Covid-19 General InformationDear Learners and Colleagues,

I would like to share some new information regarding our Academic plans for the Spring Term. This topic was discussed at this morning’s meeting of the Algonquin College Executive Team (ACET), and I wanted to let you know immediately that some important decisions have been made.

As you know, the uncertainty surrounding this pandemic has made it very difficult to plan for our future. We have always made the safety of our learners and employees our guiding priority. When we first began planning for the Spring Term, the data showed it reasonable to plan for a safe and gradual return to face-to-face activities by early July.

As time has gone on, it has become clear that our goal of resuming face-to-face instruction on July 6 is unlikely given projections regarding social distancing. For this reason, we have decided to eliminate face-to-face instruction for the remainder of the Spring Term, resuming this instruction on a case-by-case basis much later this summer or in early fall.

More specifically, and based on our analysis of planned programs for Spring 2020, ACET has approved the following recommendations:

  • All programs currently scheduled that can be delivered remotely for the full term will be delivered remotely.
  • Programs with face-to-face requirements that can be adapted to meet expected physical-distancing requirements will continue as planned.
  • Programs with placements as the only face-to-face requirements will deliver other content remotely and proceed with placements as they become available in the community.
  • All programs that require face-to-face instruction but cannot be adapted to expected physical-distancing and other requirements will be suspended for Spring 2020.
  • Winter recovery programming will proceed when face-to-face or on-campus activity is permitted.


Students can expect to receive clear communication about their specific program from the Registrar’s Office by early next week. Our program coordinators will then follow up with students with more details as required.

We fully expect that we will need to fine-tune these plans as we get a better picture of medical, social, and economic projections for this pandemic, which has had global implications. This is going to require further flexibility from everyone, but we are working diligently to communicate information to you as quickly as possible to help you plan and adjust.

As always, we are updating our FAQs online at to reflect the latest information, and we will continue to do so as more decisions are made.


Chris Janzen

Senior Vice President, Academic


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