Message from the President – April 17

Message from the PresidentDear Colleagues and Learners,

As we come to the end of our fifth week of physical distancing, I have a few items that I would like to bring to your attention.

I have previously mentioned that I am aware that this pandemic has created many financial pressures. For some families, this struggle is very real, and is causing a great deal of anxiety about the future. I have received notes from several learners who have told me of very serious hardship, and I want you to know that I have heard you and that we have been working to find creative solutions to assist you. That’s why I am so pleased to tell you about new bursary funding relief that we are working on establishing for our learners to ease the burden for those who are most in need. These bursaries will help students maintain their studies and continue to pursue their hopes and dreams — we are currently working through the details and will be able to provide more information in the near future. Please keep checking your regular communication channels (BrightSpace, email, Twitter, etc.) for updates.

I am also pleased to report that our provincial government is finding new ways to reduce financial obligations for our students. Ross Romano, Minister of Colleges and Universities, confirmed that the government will temporarily suspend student loan payments for Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) borrowers and begin a six-month interest-free moratorium on OSAP loans. This is very good news for many of our learners and we are encouraged that this will provide some immediate support.

In terms of the upcoming Spring term, we know that many of you are anxious to receive your new student timetables. As the College continues to prepare for the revised Spring/Summer term start, I want to ensure you are aware of the new date for the release of that timetable. Starting April 30, 2020, registered students will be able to log onto the Student Portal (ACSIS) to view their timetables. You can also view your current status through the Student Portal. If you have questions about your student status or timetable, please contact for support. For more information on important dates, you can visit:

It is difficult to believe that it has been more than a month since we were all together. I want to take this opportunity to, once again, commend everyone for adapting so quickly to our new realities; and also acknowledge the tremendous courage this has required. I know that the pressures and problems you may have faced before the pandemic have not suddenly disappeared — you must now deal with those matters in addition to facing a world that has rapidly changed around us.

It has been said that “everyday courage has few witnesses.” It is important to me that you know that I am witnessing your everyday courage — I see it plainly in the notes you send me, the actions you are taking, and in the way you have all found the strength to push on in these unprecedented times.

The weekend is here again, and with it, the chance to spend time with those we love, even if in some cases, this must continue to be done in a virtual manner. Please take the time, as you are able, to rest and focus on the things that matter most to you, and know that your everyday acts of courage are contributing to a collective strength that is going to see us through the days ahead.


Claude Brulé

President and CEO


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