Communication Fees and Services Refunds

Dear Learners,

Given the extraordinary circumstances surrounding COVID-19, we know there are many service and financial questions related to the Winter and Spring/Summer terms.

With information changing daily, our focus has been on ensuring the continuity of classes and program delivery. We are aware that the shift to online delivery has reduced access to the campus and many of our programs and services that you value. We are proud of our community, as we work together towards completion of the Winter term and develop plans for our Spring/Summer Term delivery.

Algonquin College is a public college required to comply with Directives established by the Government of Ontario through the Ministry of Colleges and Universities. With these Directives in mind, the College assembled a working group to ensure student fees are aligned with the programs and services being delivered during this exceptional time.

Student fees paid to the College include tuition, compulsory ancillary fees, program ancillary fees, and other fees paid for services including residence, meal plans, parking and others.

Tuition fees contribute toward costs for academic program delivery and the general operations of the College. Tuition is not specific to location or mode of delivery (in-person or online); it is primarily for the instruction, assessment and administration of program delivery. These are costs that persist during this time and are ineligible for refund.

Below is a summary of the fees that will be refunded or reduced.

Winter term students

Winter term students are eligible for the following refunds.

  • Pro-rated Residence fees refunds for students who chose to move-out
  • Meal plan refunds of remaining balances upon Residence move-out
  • One-time rebate for parking permit holders
  • Pro-rated refunds for Students’ Association Fitness Zone memberships

Detailed information related to tuition and fees can be found online here.

Refund Process

Eligible refunds will be applied directly toward College student accounts. If a balance is remaining, it will be refunded via cheque, to the mailing address on file or, for students receiving OSAP, the refund will be returned to the National Student Loan Service Centre, if greater than $100. Due to reduced on-site services, please allow up two to three weeks for refund processing and cheque issuance.

Student account balances and mailing addresses can be viewed by logging into ACSIS. Students are encouraged to login and update personal contact information to ensure that any refunds are mailed to the correct address. If you require any assistance accessing the account, please contact

Spring term students

For students returning for the Spring/Summer term, you will soon receive information about your specific program plan. Most programs will start May 19 with online delivery, followed by a mid-term break June 29 to July 3, and resume in-person delivery on July 6, if permitted by Public Health and Provincial Order. Safety remains our top priority.

Ancillary fees that contribute toward the cost of services that require on-site facility access are reduced by 50% given the current public-access restrictions. These specific services include Students’ Association activities, sports, building, auditorium and the College’s student experience fee; this has a $154.51 value per student. These fees will be reduced for Spring/Summer term as a one-time adjustment. Further reductions of these fees will be applied if the duration of online delivery is extended.

The U-Pass will continue to be charged for the Spring/Summer term recognizing that many of you rely upon this as your primary means of transportation. The College is in discussions with the City of Ottawa to determine if adjustments may be required to the U-Pass program given the current circumstances. An update will be forthcoming. In the meantime, students residing outside of the OC Transpo service area continue to have access to the opt-out application.


Support is available

We know the COVID-19 situation is causing financial stress and uncertainty for many Canadians, including our learners and their families.

Students and others in the community who have lost their jobs due the COVID-19 pandemic may be eligible for relief as the federal Government announced its economic response plan. The new Canada Emergency Response Benefit includes support for people facing unemployment. The Canada Emergency Response Benefit application opens this week; more details are available at

Additional financial resources

If you need emergency support, please reach out to to ask for help. We have modest funds set aside for emergencies. Emergency need is assessed on a case-by-case basis as financial resources and constraints differ amongst students.

If you are a Canadian or Permanent Resident, you are encouraged to apply for student loans to support your studies. That is an important first option. For details on how to apply for student loans, please visit: or contact for assistance.

If you are an International student, please note that payment of studies is required. In some exceptional circumstances, payment plans may be considered based on personal circumstances. Please contact

Please note that students with unpaid fees from Winter 2020 will need to complete that payment before proceeding with the Spring/Summer term.

Student Support Services has also created a web-based student “tool-kit” with some resources that you may find helpful.

Other information and updates can be found on our College Resources website.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work through the numerous issues associated with the COVID-19 situation.



Duane McNair

Vice President, Finance and Administration


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