A message from the President – Global Climate Strike

Dear Colleagues and Learners,

As you know, thousands of people around the world are taking part in the Global Climate Strike, a series of events that started on September 20 and that will culminate in a global day of action this Friday, September 27.

Many schools, post-secondary institutions, businesses and concerned citizens everywhere are going to pause to consider our collective responsibility when it comes to the environment. Some students have even decided not to go to work or school to show their support of this student-led initiative.

I strongly believe that we must listen to the voice of our learners, and consider their feedback; many are telling us that they want to show their support for this cause. I also believe that it is important for our learners to engage in the democratic process, and that our decisions for the College should be based on our values of Caring, Learning, Integrity and Respect.

For these reasons, I want to advise you that, while we will maintain regular academic and administrative activities on September 27, we are asking faculty and managers to offer accommodations for those students who would like to take part in this historic event.

One of the goals of our Strategic Plan: 50+5, is to improve Algonquin’s stewardship of the environment. We were the first Canadian college to sign the Talloires Declaration, which commits us to a future of sustainability. Several of our buildings have either achieved or are targeting Gold or Platinum certification in the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design program. Just recently, we became the first Ottawa area post-secondary institution to be designated a Clean Air Campus.

For all of these good reasons, along with our College values, I support this important initiative, which demonstrates our caring for the environment and our planet.


Claude Brulé

Algonquin College President and CEO


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