Message from the President re government announcement

Dear Colleagues and Learners,

As you may have heard, the Ontario government announced earlier today that it will cut domestic tuition at post-secondary institutions by 10 per cent. A Student Choice Initiative will, with some restrictions that are not yet known, also allow our learners to choose which ancillary student fees they want to pay.

At this time, we estimate that the 10-per-cent decrease in tuition will result in a nine-million-dollar shortfall to the College. We will assess the situation in more detail in the coming days.

We will continue to work with the government to find ways that they can assist us to help them achieve their priorities. We will also collaborate to ensure that our learners acquire the hands-on experience that will be essential in future economies.

We will also work closely with our Students’ Association regarding fees associated with campus services, clubs, and transportation. New choices for students regarding those fees will likely mean some changes. The Minister stated that essential campus health and safety initiatives will not be affected.

I believe the accessibility and affordability of education are of great importance for our learners and their families. Even though we do not have all the answers today, I want to assure all of you that I will be working with the Algonquin College Leadership Team to make sure that these fundamentals are at the forefront of our efforts to adapt to the changes announced this morning.


Cheryl Jensen Signature


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