RE/ACTION: Applied Research Showcase on Aug. 24

The Algonquin College Office of Applied Research & Innovation will be hosting its RE/ACTION: Applied Research Showcase on Friday, Aug. 24, 2018.

RE/ACTION highlights leading-edge applied research done in collaboration with industry, institutional and community partners, providing a glimpse into the future of technology and the current state of innovation.

Engage with over 35 research teams located across the Algonquin College Campus and explore their incredible findings and creations. Ranging from robotics and digital innovations to design prototypes, the projects are incredibly diverse – from a step climbing fire-fighter robot to 3D modelling in virtual reality with MasterpieceVR Animation.

When: Friday, August 24, 2018, 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Locations: DARE District – Showcase Zone, 1st Floor; DARE District – Discovery Zone, 2nd Floor (Algonquin College, C Building, 1385 Woodroffe Ave.)

Guest Speakers (9:30 a.m. to 9:50 a.m.): Michael McCallen, Cheetah Networks; Kamal Dhanoa, Adsaki

Key projects include:

  • StudyBug: A mobile, interactive study tool utilizing user-generated material for a variety of games to help memorize your personal content. Industry Partner: StudyBugApp
  • NightLight: An app that aims to reduce sexual assaults at festivals and events. Nightlight is an SMS based emergency response system that connects event-goers directly to emergency services at large festivals gatherings. Industry Partner: Nightlight Consultants
  • Winter Market Building Prototype: A team at Algonquin’s Construction Research Centre is building a model, temporary building prototype for winter markets – with an eye on potentially transforming the ByWard Market in the winter of 2019-2020. Industry Partners: Maka Events
  • Mindbliss Watch App: Mindbliss is a meditation phone app being customized for the Apple Watch. Industry Partner: Mindbliss

Parking: Complimentary Parking is available in the Visitors Parking Lot #7. Please collect a parking voucher at the event registration desk, which you will use when you exit the parking lot. View campus map.


Chris Lackner
Communications Officer
Algonquin College
613-727-4723 ext. 2091

Ruth Dunley
Communications Manager
Algonquin College
613-727-4723 ext. 6452


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