Algonquin College and Carleton University Reach Out to Students with Learning Disabilities

Algonquin College and Carleton University will host the Make the CUT (College University Transition) program on Wednesday, May 2, at Algonquin College. This unique initiative is designed for Grade 12 students with learning disabilities or attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder who are planning to attend college or university.

It is a joint initiative of Algonquin College’s Centre for Accessible Learning and Carleton University’s Paul Menton Centre for Students with Disabilities. This one-day event will focus on preparation and self-advocacy, educational assistive technology, and learning strategies, with workshops highlighting the first-year experience.

Who: Trina Budd, Manager, Centre for Accessible Learning, Algonquin College

Larry McCloskey, Director, Paul Menton Centre for Students with Disabilities, Carleton University

Linda Stewart, Transitions Coordinator, Make the CUT

What: Make the CUT (College University Transition) program

When: Wednesday, May 2, 2018, 8:30 a.m. to 2:45 p.m.


Algonquin College, Ottawa Campus

T Building, Room T102

1385 Woodroffe Avenue

Ottawa, ON K2G 1V8

Campus Map:

For more information:


Ruth Dunley

Communications Manager

Algonquin College

613 727 4723 ext 6452

Cell: 613 406 0970



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