Minister Deb Matthews visits Algonquin College to announce boost in student OSAP access

Minister Deb Matthews visited Algonquin College Monday to discuss the impact of the provincial government’s changes to the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP). More than one-third of Ontario college and university students will receive free tuition in 2017-18.

“Going to college or university is a wonderful opportunity for young Ontarians,” said Minister Matthews, Deputy Premier, Minister of Advanced Education and Skills Development, and Minister Responsible for Digital Government. “That’s why this government is committed to making it as easy and affordable as we possibly can for students, so that they can pursue their dreams, fulfil their potential and get the skills they’ll need for the jobs of tomorrow.”

“I am pleased to tell you we now have 50,000 more students applying for OSAP this year than last year,” Minister Matthews added, highlighting the government’s boost to grants and loans for students from families with a combined income of up to $175,000. More than 210,000 students will receive free tuition in 2017-18, and OSAP applications are up 10 per cent.

Algonquin College President Cheryl Jensen joined Matthews for the announcement in the Algonquin College Student Commons.

“At Algonquin College, we believe in the potential of every student to turn their dreams into careers and have a positive impact in our communities,” President Jensen said. “That is why we applaud the government of Ontario for rolling out increased supports for low and middle-income students that will transform lives and allow us to support more dreamers in their path to success. We want to thank Minister Matthews for taking the time to come and meet with our student leaders who inspire us every day.”

Minister Matthews also took questions from students in a meeting organized by Algonquin College Students’ Association President Victoria Ventura.

“Algonquin College students were happy to have an opportunity to engage with Minister Matthews this morning and talk about the issues that affect us and the hope we have for the future,” Ventura said.

“We welcomed the Minister’s words about OSAP because financial concerns should not be barriers to access. The changes to OSAP will make sure 80 per cent of students will have fewer financial worries as they pursue their studies.”

Ventura also took to the podium to announce a $1 million investment towards Indigenous art, artifacts and architecture for the new Library, innovation centre and institute for Indigenous entrepreneurship. Ventura called the Students’ Association funding an effort to honour “the unique history of Algonquin College” and “create a more inclusive community.”


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