Syrian refugees take centre stage at special AC grad ceremony
Posted on Thursday, July 20th, 2017
Restaurant International lived up to its name on Wednesday afternoon as it hosted an audience from around the world for a special graduation ceremony.
The ceremony celebrated students graduating from a new course in the School of Hospitality and Tourism that is aimed at new Canadians — all of the students graduating are Syrian refugees. The course is intended to help newcomers to Canada with language training, kitchen skills, workplace safety, and the transition from one culture to another.
The ceremony started with a procession of the graduates, who entered the restaurant to the cheers and applause of friends, family and faculty members.
“I already have so many people to thank, but I want to start with this beautiful country, Canada,” said Samir Massoud, a graduate of the program.
Attorney General Yasir Naqvi was also on hand to wish the graduates well, noting that he and his family had come to Canada from far away, arriving from Pakistan in the ’80s.
“I’m really excited and thrilled to be here today,” he said. “This is a very special occasion not only for you, but also for your families and your entire community. We take pride in your success … your success is all of our success.”
Minister Naqvi noted that the road ahead would still have some difficulties, but he advised the graduates to persevere.
“It’s going to be really tough at times, no doubt about it,” he said. “Do not quit.”
The class was taught by AC Chef Brandy Kozowy, who noted that her students had fled violence in their home country to find safety, freedom and opportunity.
“These students have faced unimaginable odds. Despite all they have endured, my students arrived in class energetic, enthusiastic and passionate,” she told the crowd. “I truly believe that food can bring people together. The kitchen is full of camaraderie and a place where you can build community through hard work and passion, and we have done just that.”
Citizenship Judge Renata Brum, herself an immigrant to Canada, also commended the students for their hard work before offering two pieces of advice: to continue learning English and French and to find out how they could best help the country they now call home.
“You should ask, ‘how can I help?’ ” she said, noting that each one of the students had arrived in Canada with special knowledge and skills that can benefit their community.
Snezana Minic, Language Programs Manager at the Ottawa Chinese Community Service Centre, which partnered with Algonquin College to offer the course, said that she, too had come to Canada as a refugee 20 years ago. She noted the international flavour of the afternoon’s event.
“If this is not Canada, I don’t know what is,” she said, prompting more cheers and applause.
The ceremony concluded with a reception featuring Syrian sweets and delicacies prepared by the graduating class.
The ceremony was be featured on the front page of Metro’s Thursday edition and was also part of CTV News at 6 p.m. on Wednesday night — watch the story by Joanne Schnurr here (segment starts at the 19:21 mark). The story is also on CFRA’s website here.
You can also see a CTV Morning Live segment about the program here.
Click here to listen to a previous story about the course that aired on CBC Radio and read the CBC online story here.
PHOTO: Attorney General Yasir Naqvi presented certificates to the students during the ceremony in Restaurant International. Photo by Jana Chytilova, Algonquin College.

Algonquin College Syrian Graduation
Jul 20, 2017
(PHOTO: Jana Chytilova)

Algonquin College Syrian Graduation
Jul 20, 2017
(PHOTO: Jana Chytilova)

Algonquin College Syrian Graduation
Jul 20, 2017
(PHOTO: Jana Chytilova)

Algonquin College Syrian Graduation
Jul 20, 2017
(PHOTO: Jana Chytilova)

Algonquin College Syrian Graduation
Jul 20, 2017
(PHOTO: Jana Chytilova)

Algonquin College Syrian Graduation
Jul 20, 2017
(PHOTO: Jana Chytilova)

Algonquin College Syrian Graduation
Jul 20, 2017
(PHOTO: Jana Chytilova)

Algonquin College Syrian Graduation
Jul 20, 2017
(PHOTO: Jana Chytilova)

Algonquin College Syrian Graduation
Jul 20, 2017
(PHOTO: Jana Chytilova)

Algonquin College Syrian Graduation
Jul 20, 2017
(PHOTO: Jana Chytilova)

Algonquin College Syrian Graduation
Jul 20, 2017
(PHOTO: Jana Chytilova)

Algonquin College Syrian Graduation
Jul 20, 2017
(PHOTO: Jana Chytilova)

Algonquin College Syrian Graduation
Jul 20, 2017
(PHOTO: Jana Chytilova)

Algonquin College Syrian Graduation
Jul 20, 2017
(PHOTO: Jana Chytilova)