SUMMIT Helps Young Entrepreneurs’ Dreams Come True

SUMMIT Bootcamp

The three-month intensive entrepreneurial boot camp SUMMIT consisted of 14 young and passionate entrepreneurs with a drive to move their businesses forward.

Managers of the boot camp, Leanna Verrucci and Patti Church, were searching for students with a “fire in their belly” who were ready to make a change, build on their ideas and further their entrepreneurial knowledge.

The SUMMIT program is an environment for entrepreneurs with a wide range of ideas – everything from Pierre Destin’s SixOne3 Media, which offers media production services, to Gillian Cochrane’s Ottawa EcoDome, the world’s largest bio dome.

Participants of the program are thankful for the mentorship, support, and skills they have gained throughout the summer program. These risk-takers haven’t only benefited from the help of fellow mentors, but also from each other. The participants explain their gratitude towards being exposed to other imaginative and creative minds – they feed off of each other.

“SUMMIT helps people to make their dreams come true,” said international student Bei Zhang (College Thriftshop).

SUMMIT has helped participants move past just an idea and onto solid, viable business with the assistance of funding, mentorship and resources.

“I feel well equipped and ready to go to take on new challenges. I love to recommend it to anyone and everyone,” said Godfrey Joekumar (BookPort) when asked about his thoughts on the SUMMIT program, “it’s a great program to go into and have your business more forward fast.”

To see SUMMIT2016 in action, watch our YouTube video.


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