One Young World delegates to gather at Algonquin College

One Young World

Delegates to an Ottawa gathering of the brightest young leaders from around the world will be on the Algonquin College campus on Friday to attend workshops and a dinner at Restaurant International.

The break-out sessions at the college follow two days of presentations, panel discussions and networking breaks at the main event centre. Twenty-seven delegates are to attend the college-organized workshop on indigenous entrepreneurship and another 18 will explore the energy infrastructure transformation happening at the college at a Siemens-sponsored workshop.

Delegates from both workshops will gather for dinner at Restaurant International prepared by students in the Indigenous Pre-Apprenticeship program.

Before moving into their sessions, the delegates will be welcomed to the college by Ron McLester, Executive Director and Special Advisor to the President on Aboriginal Initiatives, and Cheryl, who will offer opening remarks.

Founded in 2009 in Britain, the One Young World summit bring together leaders aged 18 to 30 from governments, companies, universities and NGOs and other organizations worldwide along with world leaders to make connections and explore solutions for pressing world issues. Past summits have been held in Bangkok, Dublin, Johannesburg, Pittsburgh, Zurich and London.

The four-day gathering in Ottawa is drawing delegates from 196 countries.

Among the world leaders scheduled to attend the Ottawa summit are Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, former U.S. secretary general Kofi Annan, Canadian Olympic gold medalist Mark Tewksbury, singer and Oscar-winning actress Cher, musician and former child soldier, Emmanuel Jal, WE Movement co-founder Marc Kielburger, actress and activist Emma Watson and musician and political activist Sir Bob Geldof.

For more information on One Young World, click here.


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