Algonquin College profs honoured at EduGala

Capital Educators' AwardsCongratulations to Algonquin College professors Amanda Keon, Leann Nicholson, and Bruno Rocha who were all honoured with Capital Educators’ Awards at Thursday night’s EduGala.

The annual event, held here at the College, recognizes “the achievements of outstanding educators and celebrates public education in our community – across the entire spectrum from kindergarten to PhD.”

Professor Keon teaches Communications in the School of Health and Community Studies, Professor Nicholson teaches Technical Communications in the Faculty of Technology and Trades, and Bruno Rocha is a professor in the Mechanical Engineering Technology Program, School of Advanced Technology. All three were lauded for their unique approaches to education at the College.

• Professor Keon believes that “learning is a dynamic and ongoing process” and says she strives to provide students with many opportunities to enhance and demonstrate their learning;

• Prof. Nicholson uses 3D printing, mobile learning, and social media to engage students in her classroom, connecting learners with industry experts via presentation fairs and workshops;

• Prof. Rocha believes “in a fun learning environment,” using examples from his industry experience to “engage, encourage and inspire” students, and to foster a desire for life-long learning that will help them find their path in the world.

Congratulations also go out to four other Algonquin professors — Cheryl Dowell (School of Business), Susan McCaig (School of Health and Community Studies), Bradley Moseley-Williams (School of Media and Design), and Nader Shureih (School of Media and Design) — who were all finalists this year.


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