Algonquin College Student Receives PolicePrep Award of Excellence


(Ottawa, May 28, 2015) The Algonquin College, Perth Campus is proud to announce that Tyler Sandes, a graduating student from the Police Foundations program, has received a PolicePrep Award of Excellence (East Region) to recognize his academic excellence, leadership and commitment to community involvement. This award has been given out 8 years now and the winners are selected by the group that runs the Justice and Public Safety Coordinator’s Conference each year. The award promotes recognition for the truly exceptional students in the programs throughout the province.

“Over the past two years, Tyler has consistently displayed leadership, integrity and teamwork,” Gerry Salisbury, Police Foundations Program Coordinator at the Algonquin College, Perth Campus stated. “I was overjoyed to be notified that he was the recipient of the PolicePrep award for Eastern Ontario colleges. It is a credit to our program that we have students that are so dedicated to the community and their fellow students. Through Tyler winning this award, it has simply added more credibility to the type of student we are producing through our program and the tremendous education that our faculty provides through their expertise and commitment.”

“It’s really nice to be recognized for something that I really enjoy doing,” Sandes said, adding that his ambition is to turn his passion for policing into a career with the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP). This award will help me with my goal of becoming an OPP officer.”

Algonquin College believes in the importance of connecting students with their community through hands-on learning experiences and students are encouraged to participate in activities on campus and in the community. While completing his Police Foundations studies, Sandes volunteered with Victim Services and the Big Brothers mentoring program, spread holiday cheer at Christmas parades and served a term as the Director of the Perth Campus’s Students’ Association. He credits the support of his classmates and faculty with helping him to balance his academic and extracurricular commitments.

“My classmates and I had a team mentality, so we all helped and supported each other. I think that contributed a lot to my academic success,” Sandes said. “I’d like to thank Gerry for nominating me and supporting the whole class in general by putting in extra hours to be part of the community and to help us advance our careers.”

Sandes also expressed gratitude to PolicePrep and this year’s awards selection committee, thanking them “for their interest in assisting students…and supporting the learning that we do in the classroom in a very practical way.”

Sandes is set to graduate this June. Now that his studies have wrapped up, he plans to continue volunteering and pursuing opportunities to further develop his professional skills.

The Police Foundations program at the Algonquin College, Perth Campus is a two-year Ontario College Diploma program that prepares students to pursue careers in community justice and law enforcement. More information about the program can be found online at


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