Game on! ‘Adkids’ faceoff in Ottawa 67s marketing competition

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Recently, about 40 first year students in the Advertising and Marketing Communications Management program got a behind-the-scenes look at the new TD Place and Lansdowne Park. The tour was hosted by members of the Ottawa Sports and Entertainment Group (OSEG), the students’ client for their major project in their marketing class. For five years the first year “adkids” have worked with the 67’s, and now OSEG, on this project which has become known as the Ottawa 67s marketing face-off.

This year the students were taken out on the field so see the new TD place from the field, and then were led to the media room where they were given a presentation by John Mathers, Vice President of Marketing and Ticket Sales for OSEG ,who shared his views on the challenges the organization has faced as it has grown and evolved.

After being provided with a presentation and a Q&A session from the client, the students took in a 67’s game, and then worked in groups to prepare marketing plans to help the client achieve specific goals. Then, on December 2 and 3, the students present their work and creative concepts to the client.

Congratulations to Taryn Albert, Corynn Mountain, Raven Salter, Rosaly Welsh, Chris Burt, and Zoe Easton – part of the first winning team! And the second winning team included Ryan Byberg, Courtney Franks, Monique Jones, Adrianna Hickey, Wes Theoret, and Nicole Meier!

In recognition of the students’ hard work, Ottawa Sports and Entertainment Group presented the winning group in each section with Ottawa 67’s jerseys, vouchers for game tickets and concession vouchers to each group member. The first runner up group in each section also received ticket vouchers to take in an upcoming 67’s game.

“It’s been a real win-win…” says Steve Jenkins, the course instructor. “The client receives innovative ideas and a fresh perspective on their marketing efforts while the students benefit from the experience of working with and presenting to a local prominent client.”


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