New agreement lets Ontario college business students transfer full years’ credits to any other Ontario college

Effective immediately, students who transfer business diploma programs from any of Ontario’s 24 colleges to any other Ontario college at the end of first or second year will not have to repeat the courses they have completed.

(Ottawa, November 25, 2014) Ontario’s 24 colleges, including Algonquin, have signed the colleges’ first-ever provincewide agreement that grants recognition for entire previous years’ credits when a student in a business diploma program transfers to the same program at another college.

“Postsecondary students who transfer to another institution shouldn’t have to repeat courses they have already completed,” says Dave Donaldson, Dean, School of Business, Algonquin College. “This new agreement will help eliminate duplication and cut costs for students.”

The agreement, announced by Colleges Ontario and the Ontario Council on Articulation and Transfer (ONCAT), applies to students in accounting, business administration, human resources and marketing programs.

This unique universal college agreement allows students to easily transfer among all college business programs across Ontario.

The agreement means that business students who transfer at the end of their first or second year will receive full credit for their completed courses. Given the high enrolment of business programs, these pathways provide additional flexibility for a significant number of students.

“Ontario’s colleges and universities continue to strengthen their systems for transferring credits among post-secondary institutions,” said Glenn Craney, the executive director of ONCAT. “We are pleased that all of the province’s 24 colleges have signed this agreement which demonstrates their high level of commitment to institutional collaboration on student mobility.”

Expanding credit-transfer options and helping students make informed decisions about their post-secondary education is a priority for the Wynne government. Ontario is investing $73.7 million toward credit-transfer improvements between 2011 and 2016.

“Our government knows a strong credit transfer system will lead to a more effective and cost-effective post-secondary education for students across the province. That’s why we continue to work with our sector partners to make Ontario’s post-secondary education system more seamless, flexible and affordable,” said Reza Moridi, Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities.

Ontario’s colleges are working to develop similar provincewide agreements for other program areas.


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