Frequently Asked Questions
What does the program teach?
We prepare students for a career in public relations, which includes work for government, not-for-profits, national associations, public relations agencies, and corporations, in every field of endeavour.
Who would hire me after graduation?
If you can think of an organization, it needs public relations help. Governments at the federal, provincial, and municipal level are the single largest employer of our graduates. Our graduates have also found work with large national associations, with large and small public relations agencies, and with not-for-profit organizations. Our graduates work across Canada and around the world, including work as social media leaders for their organizations.
What would I experience?
Students in the program learn through working on a well-known charitable fundraising campaign. They also learn through work placements in their final semester and through the Algonquin College Public Relations Agency, an award-winning service our students provide to local not-for-profits to help them reach their target audiences. Supplementing this and other experiential learning are lectures, labs, workshops, guest speakers and field trips delivering a diversity of information and skills necessary for the public relations practitioner of the 21st century.
Do I need a computer?
Each student entering the program will be required to have a PC-compatible laptop computer for use in the program. The chief hardware requirement is the student should have a laptop equipped with a dual-core processor. The chief software used is Microsoft Office and Adobe Creative Suite, which are supplied by Algonquin College. Hardware specifications are available at:
How does the diploma/degree agreement you have with the University of Ottawa work?
The program consists of two years of full time study in Algonquin College’s public relations program and two and a half years of study at the University of Ottawa’s program to earn a total of 120 credits. The University of Ottawa will recognize the Algonquin diploma as the equivalent of 45 credits. The remaining 75 credits are obtained by the student entering and successfully completing years 2 and 3 of the University of Ottawa program. At the end, the graduate has both a diploma in public relations from Algonquin and an Honours Bachelor of Public Relations from the University of Ottawa.