Frequently Asked Questions

Thanks for your interest in the Mobile Application Design & Development program. We hope that this page will answer many of the questions that you have about the program.

When do classes start and end?
Our program NOW has TWO intakes each year, one in September and one in January.

Classes for the September intake classes run from September – April. Then a 4-month break for summer and back to class for Sep – Apr again.

The January intake classes run from January – August, then a 4-month break from September – December, and finally back in class from January – August again.

View the program progression chart

How many hours will I spend working on course work?
While the total hours of class time vary from semester to semester the time spent in class will average around 20 hours per week. On top of that you will need at least 20 hours more to keep up with the reading, tutorials, exercises, and project work.

What kind of schedule can I expect?
Schedules are different each semester. However, we are currently trying to divide class time between virtual and in person so that students only have to come to campus 2 or 3 days per week. Class times can range from 8am – 10pm on Monday – Thursday and 8am – 7pm on Fridays.

How many hours can I work outside school during the semester?
We strongly recommend that students avoid working more than about 15 hours per week at any job during the semester. Our program is very intensive and fast-paced. It needs to be treated as your main priority during the four semesters (20 months) it takes to complete. Making your courses a priority during this short period will result in professional benefits and a better job after graduation.

Will I need to purchase a computer?
Yes. We are a laptop-based program that has very specific hardware and software requirements for our students.

Based on all the tools we use, teach, and what we develop, we need to have a standard laptop for all our students. All our students must have a MacBook Pro with the 14-inch or 16-inch screen, and they must be the MacBook Pro model with the M1-Pro, M1-Max, M2-Pro, or M2-Max processor chips.

Here are the official specs for the required MacBook Pro laptop –

Is there a student discount on the Macbook Pro?
If you purchase a MacBook Pro from Apple directly, they offer a discount of a few hundred dollars as well as some bonus gift. The last few years, the gift was a set of Beats headphones.

Can I use an older Macbook Pro?
You can buy an older, used, MacBook Pro as long as it meets the official required specifications listed on the BYOD website –

Can I use the 13-inch Macbook?
No. It must be one of the model options listed on the BYOD page – – educational pricing page for the students to buy online with the educational discount

What Mobile Devices do I need?
You must own an Android or iOS device that is no more than 2 years old. For the Android device, it needs to support OS version 11 or higher.

Can I use a Windows laptop instead?
No. Much of the work that we do requires MacOS which is running on a MacBook Pro. You cannot do proper iOS development on a Windows Laptop.

Can I use a MacBook Air instead?
No. The MacBook Air does not support the software that we need to use.

What other equipment will I need beyond the MacBook Pro and Smartphone?
The full official list of required and recommended equipment and software is on the BYOD page – Here is a summary of the required and recommended items.

  • USB-C adapter Hub that includes multiple connections for USB-3. If getting the external monitor be sure to have the proper connection for the monitor too. If you are using the older Intel-based MacBook Pro then your adapter should also include HDMI.
  • Headphones. These should be comfortable to wear during long virtual classes
  • A portable USB connected monitor. Much of the development work that you will do will be easier if you have two screens.
  • A mouse wireless or USB. This will make working on designs much easier.
  • If you are using one of the new MacBook Pro laptops with the M1-Pro or M1-Max processors then you will need to purchase a copy of Parallels (Business or Developer edition). This will be available at student pricing through the College software portal in the Fall.
  • Windows 11. This will also be available, for free, through the College software portal in the Fall.
  • The Apple Care warranty on your MacBook Pro to cover the two years of the program. We have seen this save many students hundreds of dollars on repairs to items like screens and keyboards.

Will I learn how to do programming for iOS?
In the second year of the program you will learn Swift and Swift UI for building iOS native applications. In addition to this you will also be learning cross-platform mobile development frameworks such as React Native and Flutter.

Will I learn how to do programming for Android?
Yes. In the second year of the program you will learn Kotlin and XML for building iOS native applications. In addition to this you will also be learning cross-platform mobile development frameworks such as React Native and Flutter.

Will I learn how to be a full-stack web developer?
You will learn both client side development and server-side and database design and development. You will learn more JavaScript in this program than any other program at the College.

Will I learn how to design websites and mobile applications?
Design is a core part of the MAD&D program. While other programs at Algonquin and other Colleges focus on either design OR development, the MAD&D program believes that the best approach to training professionals is to have them be well versed in both skill sets.

This approach has led to our students being in the top 3 at every Applied Research day competition that we have entered since 2016. In April 2022, 22 of the 28 students who worked on the top 5 projects at Re/Action Day were from the MAD&D program.

Will I be able to get a job as a designer after the program?
Yes. We have a number of graduates each year who go on to work as UI and UX designers.

Is there a co-op placement for the program?
There is more than enough demand for graduates of our program that they are being hired without doing a co-op. Instead of a co-op placement, we have our students work in teams with real-world clients to build actual projects that get used. The Applied Client Project course will occupy about half of your time during the final semester and is the capstone project for all that you will learn through the program.

Is there an online version of the program?
No. While we do divide our class time between virtual and in-person, most courses have a portion of class time that requires you to attend in person.

Is there a part-time version of the program?
No. Since we are a small specialised program, we only have class space for the full-time students each September.

Is the program open to international students?
Yes. In recent years 40-50% of each cohort comes from all over the world.

The MacBook Pro is a very expensive computer. Is there any way to save money on it?
Yes. If you purchase a new MacBook Pro directly from Apple there is a discount of $200-300. If you purchase a refurbished MacBook Pro from Apple you can sometimes find ones that are cheaper than the new ones. However, since the new M1-Pro and M1-Max versions of the MacBook Pro have only been out for about a year, there are not many used ones available yet. There are several models of the M1-Pro and M1-Max with the 14-inch and 16-inch screens that we accept.

The purchase of a MacBook Pro is a very large purchase. We are aware of this. However, you need to think about this in terms of an investment in your future. The cost of the MacBook Pro is less than you will pay in tuition. If you were studying to become a chef you would invest in getting good tools. If you were studying to become a mechanic you would invest money in getting good tools. The MacBook Pro is the tool that you will use to become a professional web or mobile designer or developer. After graduation you will be able to use it for any job in this industry.

How do I progress through the program?

We have put together a visual flowchart to show how you will progress through the courses in the program

View flowchart

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