Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to buy a digital recorder for this program?
Yes. You’ll need to purchase a digital audio recorder. We are recommending the TASCAM DR-05, which is available at our Connections store on campus.

Do I need to buy any textbooks?
Radio is participating in the etext program. Most of your books will be delivered by digital format before the school year begins. One or two books may not be available as an etext so you may need to purchase them at Connections (<$50). You will also need a thumb drive, a large external hard drive (500M), assorted cords and headphones (full-sized over the ear).

Do I need to buy a computer?
Your learning experience is enhanced through the use of online and mobile technologies in and out of the classroom, allowing you to work with course materials and participate in collaborative learning environments. For the Radio program you require a PC laptop with the specifications found here.

Is there any software I need to buy?
No. Students will get required software as a part of their mobile computing fees. Radio students get a number of programs including Adobe Creative Cloud with Audition and Premiere Pro.

When do I get to go on the air?
All first-year students are scheduled a weekly half hour show on CKDJ 107.9 (our Campus Community Radio Station licensed by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Com- mission). The first-year students are on the air in the third week of the program, with the help of a second-year mentor.

What kinds of jobs do Radio Broadcasting Program grads have?
Graduates from the Broadcasting, Radio and Podcasting program use their training at a range of positions in the world of radio and audio storytelling. Many join traditional radio stations, in roles as diverse as hosts, reporters and news readers, commercial writers and board operators. Others apply their skills in the podcasting realm, recording interviews, working in sound design, as well as editing and production roles.

Does Algonquin College have agreements with any other post secondary institutions?
Yes, there is an agreement with Royal Roads University in Victoria BC. Graduates can also transfer credits towards a 4-year honours BA degree at Laurier University (Brantford).

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