Financial Support

Awards & Bursaries: Financial help for Interior Design students

Algonquin College is proud to be among partners who recognize excellence and help students with educational costs through bursaries and awards.

The Association of Registered Interior Designers of Ontario (ARIDO) Graduation Award is presented to a student showing professional promise, high academic achievement and who has contributed extensively to the program’s extracurricular activities.

The criteria upon which the award is based include:

  • Professional conduct in and outside of the design studio
  • Collegial efforts and attitudes towards their peers
  • Extensive community involvement

Norma Ruth Ridley Scholarship

The Norma Ruth Ridley Scholarship honours interior design students who display impeccable professionalism and ethics and who understand the importance of good business practices and professional standards.

Applicants are judged in five areas; academic achievement, professionalism, community involvement, character and communication.

Students are tasked with creating a design solution for a specific design scenario, the proposals are then ranked and the semi-finalists participate in a telephone interview.


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