Student Experience

What to Expect

Students in the Photography program at Algonquin College use high-end digital cameras to capture professional-quality images that demonstrate their creative and technical skills and abilities. Our large photography studios are equipped with up-to-date tungsten and electronic flash lighting systems, lighting booms, soft-boxes and professional backdrops.

“You learn so much about yourself, and how you use photography in everyday life.”

In addition, students have access to networked post-production computer labs that are equipped with Cinema Display monitors, film and flatbed scanners, ink-jet laser printers, viewing booths, a mounting press, as well as colour management systems which enable production of high-quality images using industry-standard software.

Work-Integrated Learning

Beyond photography theory and building the ever important portfolio, students learn entrepreneurship and networking skills in conjunction with professional photographic association guidelines. Students also complete two work integrated learning courses where they gain valuable practical and networking experience.

Student Success and Testimonials

Hear more from program graduate Amy on her experiences in Photography – Content Creation.