Frequently Asked Questions

Will this program enhance my existing career path?
Multimedia has now become a staple is a wide variety of industries, agencies and careers. This program was designed to meet the new standards of just about any position held in today’s market. This includes: Communications, Graphic Design, Business Management, Psychology, Television, Public Relations, Information Technology, Journalism, Photography, Marketing and many more fields.

What software will we be using?
Students in this program are taught the most recent version of the Adobe Creative Suite Master Collection, the industry standard software package.

Can I take the courses part-time?
The demands of this program are such that they cannot be met on a part-time basis. Similar courses and programs are available through our continuing education department.

Is this course taught on Mac or Windows?
As a new student to this program, you will have the option to choose which operating system you wish to use, Mac or Windows. The theory, industry-standard software and web-based programming is universal on both platforms.

Do I need to purchase a computer?
This is a laptop program so you must have either a Mac or Windows based laptop. Detailed information on the laptop specifications can be found at

What computer experience should I have coming into the Program?
You should be comfortable and well organized in a Windows, Mac or Linux operating system environment. You should also have had some experience with a various of applications, which could include: Microsoft Office Suite, video, audio, 3D or even some of the products from the Adobe Master Collection.

What can I expect in this program?
Students will work toward advancing their general understanding of multimedia as it relates to rich-media applications, as well as exploring new areas and gaining experience in animation, design, video, audio and programming. Students will apply their newly learned skills on solo
projects as well as team-based applications for a wide variety of users and audiences, including projects that deal with regional, national and international clients.

How many hours should I expect to work outside of class hours?
Feedback from past graduates of the program have concluded that you should expect 25 – 40 hours of work time dedicated to research, assignments and projects. This is on top of normal in-class hours.

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