Services and Resources

Being a student can be a very stressful time in a person’s life. Balancing school, work, and other obligations is a daunting task and students do need extra help on occasion.

The following list of resources can help you during your studies at Algonquin College. Please stop by the Mamidosewin Centre for more information and to speak with someone.

The Mamidosewin Centre hosts events year-round to help you stay connected to the community. Click here to learn more.

Jump to: Academic, Career, Personal Support | Student Housing | Volunteer Opportunities | Awards/Bursaries | Community Resources

Academic, Career, Personal Support

  • Information on Indigenous bursaries, scholarships, and other funding support
  • Workshops and individual support with study skills, time management, tutors
  • Indigenous employment support
  • Referrals to Indigenous services; internal and external (housing, counselling, employment etc)
  • Career, academic, or personal counselling with an Indigenous Counsellor

Indigenous Student Support Officer

Need assistance applying for school, navigating resources or advocating for your needs? Look no further than our Indigenous Student Support Officer, Wendiiosta Horn. She is Mohawk from Kahnawake with family roots in Kahnesatake as well. She can help you navigate college resources including registration, dropping classes, accessing financial aid, as well as providing referrals to services for housing, employment, and more.

Wendiiosta can be reached by phone 613-727-4723 ext. 3449 or e-mail

Indigenous Counsellor

Vanessa Mongo-Stevens is our Indigenous Student Counsellor at Algonquin College. Vanessa is a status Algonquin woman of the Loon clan who was raised in her community of Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg. She acknowledges and is proud of both her Algonquin and Puerto Rican/Taino ancestry.

Vanessa is a Registered Psychotherapist who holds B.A. in Psychology and Indigenous Studies from Carleton University and M.A. in Psychotherapy, Counselling and Spirituality from Saint Paul’s University. Vanessa has worked in the field of Mental Health for 18 years. Vanessa combines Indigenous healing traditions with conventional psychotherapies, and she is specialist in treating Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and intergenerational trauma among Indigenous peoples.

You can book an appointment with Vanessa by emailing her at


Student Housing

The Mamidosewin Centre is here to help you find housing in Ottawa. We’ve created a collection of useful information and resources for you to consider when moving. If you are planning a move to Ottawa, start your housing search early. Search for areas close to campus, or with quick access to an OC transpo station or transit stop.

For additional guidance, please reach out to the centre. Visit our contact page to learn how you can get in touch.

Algonquin Students’ Association Rental Listings

The Algonquin Students’ Association manages an online rental listings website.  A range of accommodations are posted, including room rentals and apartments.  You can search by location, rent, and type.

Algonquin College Student Residence

Live on campus and reap the benefits! Living in residence is the best way to ensure a successful year at Algonquin College. By living on campus, you can rest assured knowing you will have the opportunity to live independently in a safe, secure, and supportive environment. The residence also presents great opportunities to meet new friends, join clubs, attend social events, join committees, and fully emerge yourself in all that the college has to offer. Click here to learn more about the ratesrooms and application.

Gignul Housing

Gignul, working in partnership with other Aboriginal organizations, focuses on both short and long term solutions, including supportive shelters to affordable, independent living.  Some student single units available. You will need the following documents:

  • A completed application form
  • A completed consent form
  • Proof of Income (OSAP, band funding etc.)
  • Proof of Status (Indian status card or Inuit card)
  • Proof of enrollment at school (acceptance letter or timetable
  • All forms can be picked up at Mamidosewin Centre.

Online Listings

Ontario Landlord and Tenant Board

The role of the Board is to provide information about the Residential Tenancies Act and to resolve disputes between most residential landlords and tenants.  The website provides extensive informational brochures, below are a few samples:

Hydro Ottawa

If utilities are not included in your rental cost, then the approximate costs are:

  • There is a $30 set-up fee.
  • Deposit may be required.  Costs could range from $50 to $300.
  • Monthly fees approximately $30-$75.
  • Minimum age for new account set up is 18 years old.  Move requests can be done online.

Rental Insurance

Consider purchasing rental insurance to protect your personal belongings (laptop, television, stereo, jewelry, clothes, dvds etc.) in case of fire, theft or water damage.  Approximate costs $230/year. Request a free quote online.

Volunteer Opportunities

The Mamidosewin Centre offers many volunteer opportunities for students to gain experience and help out in the community. Below is a list of volunteer opportunities that are recognized by the Co-Curricular Record.

Volunteer Roles

Below are various volunteer positions available with the Mamidosewin Centre:

Indigenous Education Council (IEC) Volunteer: This student would sit on the council and be the student representative for Indigenous students.

Pow-Wow Committee Member: This student would be a member of the committee and take on the task of organizing the Student Pow-Wow.

Indigenous Student Association Group: These students would organize and join the Aboriginal Student groups.

Mamidosewin Mentors: These students are chosen to represent the Mamidosewin Centre and mentor first-year students through their first year at the college.

Event volunteers: These students would be helping out with events held at the Mamidosewin Centre. Duties would include cooking, helping with Elders, and assisting in the set-up and tear down of the events.

What is a Co-Curricular Record?

The Co-Curricular Record (CCR) is a great resource for Algonquin College students to track, record, and print a record of their college-affiliated volunteer and leadership involvement. A Co-Curricular Record is an official non-academic record used to chronicle the activities that students engage in throughout the academic year. Not only will this document be complementary to an academic transcript, but to a resume as well.  The transferable skills obtained from volunteering at Algonquin College can contribute to increased employability!

The Volunteer Centre

To learn more about other volunteer opportunities at Algonquin College, sign up for the Volunteer Centre’s mailing list!

Click here to visit the Volunteer Centre’s website!


There are several bursaries and awards available specifically to Indigenous students. These financial awards have various application criteria, and closing dates. You may find it helpful to meet with someone to discuss which bursary or award is best for you. Email us at

Community Resources

Check out other helpful resources in our community!

Gignul Non-profit Housing Corporation

(613) 232-0016, 396 MacLaren Street, Ottawa, ON

About: Gignul Housing focuses on affordable housing solutions for the Aboriginal community. Limited student housing available.  See website for application forms.

Inuit Non-Profit Housing

(613) 741-1449, 311 McArthur Ave, Suite 201, Ottawa, ON

About: Offers rent geared to income. Housing for Inuit families and singles living in Ottawa area.  Limited housing available.  Call for inquire.

Kagita Mikam

(613) 962-3103, 5602 Old Highway 2, Shannonville, ON

About: Aboriginal employment and training services.  Employment counsellors, job board, and information on education funding.

Makonsag Aboriginal Head Star

(613) 724-5844, 297 Olmstead Ave, Ottawa, ON

About: Preschool program for Indigenous children ages 2 ½ to 5 years of age. Free of charge and includes meals and snacks. Transportation may be available in your area.

Métis Nation of Ontario

1-800-263-4889 ext. 7, 66 Slater Street, Unit 1100, Ottawa, ON

About: Provides cultural information and services for Métis community of Ontario.  Services include Métis citizen registry and education support.

Minwaashin Lodge

(613) 741-5590, 2323 St. Laurent Blvd, Ottawa, ON

About: Provides a range of programs and services to Aboriginal women and children. Services include counselling, children’s and youth programming, women’s shelter, and employment and training resources.


Odawa Native Friendship Centre

(613) 722-3811, 815 St. Laurent Boulevard, Ottawa, ON

About: Odawa is a non-profit organization serving the Aboriginal community of Ottawa that provides a variety of services and cultural programs including: family support, youth program, home day care, and seniors support.

Ottawa Inuit Children’s Centre

(613) 744-3133 ext. 215, 224 & 230 McArthur Ave, Ottawa, ON

About: The Ottawa Inuit Children’s Centre is home to the Sivummut Head Start Program, Tumiralaat Child Care Centre, the Family Literacy Program, youth programs, and Inuktitut language programming.

Tewegan Transition House

(613) 233-067265 Harvey Street, Ottawa, ON

About: Tewegan is a 12 bed transitional home for young Aboriginal women between the ages of 16-29.  For First Nations, Inuit, and Métis women that are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.


Tungasuvvingat Inuit

(613) 565-5885, 1071 Richmond Road, Ottawa, ON

About: Counselling and resource centre for Inuit community of Ottawa. Offers a variety of programs, including employment and training.

Wabano Centre Indigenous Centre for Excellence in Healthcare

(613) 748-5999, 299 Montreal Rd, Ottawa, ON

About: Primary health care clinic, community programs, homelessness outreach, counselling services, health programs, and children’s/youth activities.