Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW)

ISW LogoThe Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW) is a Canadian, grassroots, certificate program. During this intensive three-day workshop (24 hours in total), participants will work collaboratively in a small group setting (e.g. 1 Facilitator: 5 Participants) to further develop their teaching effectiveness as well as receiving feedback on new teaching strategies and techniques. Participants will design and conduct three “mini-lessons” and receive reflective verbal, written and video feedback from the other participants who have been learners in the mini-lessons. Using an intensive experiential learning approach, participants are provided with information on the theory and practice of teaching adult learners, the selection and writing of useful learning objectives with accompanying lesson plans, techniques for eliciting learner participation, and suggestions for evaluation of learning.

The workshop encourages reflection and examination of one’s teaching practices with feedback focused on the learning process rather than on the specific content of the lesson. The ISW engenders participatory learning and the building of community that can transfer back into the classroom and the institution. Because this is a peer-based workshop, your success (and the success of others in your group) is entirely dependent upon your commitment to the process. It is imperative that you commit to the 3 days in their entirety.

ISWs are available for faculty (both full-time and part-time) and Staff, and will be run periodically throughout the year by one of our trained facilitators in Learning and Teaching Services. A certificate will be issued upon completion that is recognized at most Canadian and international postsecondary institutions.

Are you a Chair or Coordinator?

Contact Sara Powell ( to request an ISW session for your program or department.

Are you Faculty (full-time or part-time) or Staff?

Contact Sara Powell ( to request a seat in an upcoming ISW session.

Want to learn more?

For more information on ISW visit the Instructional Skills Workshop Network website.