Indigenous-focused Professional Development & Workshops

Sessional Workshops: (Back to Top)

To enroll in sessional workshops offered through LTS, search titles in the Employee Learning Catalogue. You may also inquire about upcoming offerings by emailing

Assessment, Evaluation and Indigenous Ways of Knowing

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Current assessment and evaluation practices measure learning in ways that can limit diverse cultural understandings of the world and even undermine cultural practices and values. This session will explore how Indigenous cultural ways of knowing can shape your current assessment practices and create space for Indigenous values and practices in post-secondary learning. Bring your ideas and examples to share.

Improving Indigenous Student Experiences in the Classroom

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This workshop focuses on how faculty can mitigate difficult conversations regarding Indigenous content in the classroom and support Indigenous students. Indigenous students often face ignorance and/or racial micro-aggressions in the classroom that can be traumatic. These sessions will help inform faculty on how to navigate challenging situations and support Indigenous students in the classroom

Exploring Indigenous Approaches, Protocols and Relationships with AI

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This session is meant to explore Indigenous understandings of ethics, protocols, and worldviews that should be considered when engaging in AI systems.

Living Land Acknowledgements

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Land Acknowledgements are one small, but foundational, act of recognizing Indigenous rights and connecting your life and work to that of responsibly and relationship to Indigenous rights, land and peoples, but how do you move beyond reciting a land acknowledgement to living one through substantive action? This session will help you explore your understanding of and relationship to Algonquin College’s land acknowledgement and encourage you to conceptualize a land acknowledgement you will be confident in sharing and living.

Indigenous Pedagogy, Curriculum and Research Ethics

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This session provides information on ethical guidelines while considering Indigenous content within the classroom. Participants will learn about the College’s research data management policy, information on what may be considered low versus high-risk research, as well as Indigenous research ethics and protocols and how best to navigate course outlines that involves Indigenous content.

Indigenous Education, the Child Welfare System and Gender Discrimination

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This session will help inform educators on the history of Indigenous education in Canada and how it has resulted in the over-representation of Indigenous children and youth within the child welfare system, as well as explore the intersection of gender discrimination and violence within the Canadian context.

Allyship and Culturally Responsive Pedagogy

(coming in 2025)

Learning about Indigenous Health and Wellness

(coming in 2025)

Place-based and Land-based Learning Experiences: (Back to Top)

These half-day sessions are offered during the academic year to faculty in order to familiarize them with Indigenous community-based (place-based) and land-based pedagogical models and strategies. Transportation and lunch provided. Past experiences have visited Madahoki Farm, the Akwesasne Cultural Centre, Kitigan Zibi’s Cultural Centre and Pinock’s birchbark workshop.

To inquire about these opportunities, please contact Sheila Grantham, Indigenous Pedagogy & Curriculum Consultant, at

Customized Professional Development (Back to Top)

Intended for larger groups, customized professional development sessions can be booked for your program or school’s faculty. These sessions allow for a tailored exploration of Indigenous pedagogical strategies and curricular resources that relate to your academic program. Bookings should be made at least 1-month in advance through the following link: Customized PD Request Form

Online & Asynchronous Learning opportunities for all AC Employees: (Back to Top)

Building Relationships: Learning about Truth & Reconciliation

This self-paced, 2.5 to 3-hour course offers a concise primer on the truths and implications of the historical and contemporary relationship between Indigenous Peoples and those who settled on their lands in Canada.

Each of the ten modules features slideshows, first-hand video interviews, and quizzes to help solidify learning. Upon successful completion of the course, learners receive a certificate from the First Nations University of Canada.

Enroll any time. Available until June 2025: