Microsoft Stream (Uploading and Sharing Videos)

Microsoft Stream LogoMicrosoft Stream is a video-sharing tool built into your Algonquin College Microsoft 365 account that makes it easy to record, upload, and share videos with students and colleagues. Whether you’re saving a lecture for students to watch later, sharing a quick tutorial, keeping a meeting recording, or having students submit video assignments to you, Microsoft Stream provides a collection of tools to support this:

  • Screen Recording and Camera Recording tool using the browser (no need to install anything!)
  • Video Editing tool – using Microsoft’s Clipchamp
  • Store your videos online using the same OneDrive experience you’re familiar with
  • Securely Share your video to students and staff
  • Automatic Video Captioning using Microsoft’s AI closed captioning service

Getting Started with Microsoft Stream

Access Microsoft Stream

Uploading Videos

Sharing Videos (Directly)

Sharing Videos (In Brightspace)

Creating a Screen Recording

Editing Videos (Trim and Edits)