Supportive Teacher Resources
While instructors are free to adapt assessments, course content, and learning activities to better meet the needs of their students and to complement their own teaching style, it is important that instructors are provided all resources needed to teach a course. This includes all course content and assessments, but it should also include lesson plans or teaching notes. This ensures that all instructors, from newly-hire part-time faculty to seasoned full-time faculty, are provided with the same level of support.
Questions to Guide Development:
- Is there enough material and guiding documentation (e.g., lesson plans or instructor notes) that any instructor with a similar qualification would be able to teach the course how it was intended?
- Are answer keys and/or assessment samples provided?
- Are grading tools (I.e., rubrics, checklists, rating scales) provided? Do they appropriately assess the evaluations and promote consistent grading?