How to Attribute Use of Generative AI

Acknowledging AI Use

To encourage reflective and critical use of Generative AI for learning, it is helpful to ask students to acknowledge all use of generative AI in their assignment. Acknowledgement could be a simple statement that is part of their submission.

As use of Generative AI for content creation evolves, conventions for acknowledgement of use will likely change as well.

Depending on the type of assignment, you may choose to have students use either citations or more informal acknowledgement statements.


The Algonquin College Library provides instructions for how to cite the use of GenAI according to MLA, APA, IEEE, and Chicago styles.

Citing AI Content by Citation Style (Algonquin College Library)

Acknowledgement of Generative AI Use Statements

Example Acknowledgement of Use Statement (Monash University)


Concise summary of AI use in the assessment.

Very briefly explain the ways that you have used AI in the production of this assessment.

  • Explain which AI tools you have used and for what purposes.
  • If you have found and used tools on your own, explain why these tools were selected and provide a URL link to the tool.
  • Note the number of iterations undertaken with each main AI collaborative tool.
  • Describe what output from the tool/service has been included, and where.
  • Summarize how you have altered, adopted, or built on the AI output.

In addition to using this summary to provide an overview of how AI has been used, it is strongly recommended that you also carefully document the processes undertaken in creating the assessment and to be able to present this process evidence upon request from educators or administrators.

Suggested format:

I used [insert AI system(s) and link] to [specific use of generative artificial intelligence] [number of iterations/drafts]. The tool was used to provide [describe content used in task]. The output from this tool was modified by [explain use].

Visit Monash University’s Student Academic Success page for more sample student formats.


Example Acknowledge of Use Statements – Wilfrid Laurier University

The output from the generative artificial intelligence was adapted and modified for the final response. I acknowledge the use of ChatGPT ( to generate materials that were included within my final assessment in modified form.

I entered the following prompts on [insert date]: Insert prompt.

Visit Wilfrid Laurier University’s Understanding Generative AI Tools page for more examples.

As part of the acknowledgement statement activity, students could briefly reflect on how they checked information for accuracy.

Modelling Use of Acknowledgement Statements in Your Work

An effective way to encourage student citation and acknowledgement of Generative AI use is to include these things in your own course learning materials.