
Live Laugh Learn

Paulette O’Connor, Enjoying Retirement

“Hello to all my friends and colleagues at Algonquin College. I’ve just completed my first week of retirement and have enjoyed every minute of it. It’s hard to believe that this next chapter in my life has arrived.
Paulette O'Connor
I’ve been at the College for close to 27 years, starting off part-time in International Programs at the Rideau Campus on Lees Avenue then became full time in the Dean’s office (Tech and Trades) of the same campus shortly after that . Later on, I applied and was successful in getting a position in the French as a Second Language department at the Woodroffe Campus. When the move to “La Cite” came along, I was transferred to the Family Studies Department, now known as “Community Studies”. I was there for a number of years which were very memorable ones to me. As I said at my retirement celebration, this department has a special place in my heart, great friendships were formed from day one and are ongoing – we remained a true family. My last years at the College were spent as Budget Officer in the Dean’s Office for the Faculty of Health, Public Safety and Community Studies. What a great experience there too as I worked for Denis Lefebvre, our Business Administrator who taught me so much more about the financial side of the operations.

I have seen many changes at Algonquin, over the years, technology has been one of the biggest ones, then there are all the new buildings to accommodate our students’ needs. We mustn’t forget our Student Success Specialists who are always ready to assist our students when they encounter difficulties and are ready to quit. We are here for the students and we are certainly showing that we want them to stay and feel welcomed in every aspect of student life at the College.

In closing, I would just like to say that working at the College was a great experience. I had the privilege to work with great people and have made good friends along the way which I will never forget. Retirement is a big decision but you just know when the right time comes along.

Have a great day my friends and I am sure I will be seeing a lot of you at future College events!!


The Live Laugh Learn Editorial Committee takes pleasure in welcoming all full and part-time new hires to Algonquin College since August 2013 to-date!



[Includes Counselling & Librarians]



Susan Eldred, Professor, Nursing Studies – Nursing Program


Wayne Hawthorne, Professor, Music Industry Arts – Media & Design Program

Katrina Keeling, Employment Assistance Officer – Community Employment Services (Perth)

Sherri Harris, Employment Services Clerk – Community and Student Affairs (Pembroke)

Amy Simpson, Library Technician – Library, Student Support Services

Lindsay James, Marketing Officer – Marketing Department

Neal Freeland, Activity Program Coordinator – Mamodosewin Centre

Valarie Bowman, Orientation Student Services Officer – Student Support Services

Anna Singh, Client Service Officer – Registrar’s Office

Peter Harcoff, Treasury Supervisor – Finance

Shaun Baron, Manager, International Partnerships & Programs – International Education Centre

Rodney MacKay, Security Systems Service Coordinator – Physical Resources