
Kent MacDonald – President

Kent MacDonald

As I prepare to depart Algonquin College after sixteen years I have taken some personal time to think about the College and what makes it so special. There are certainly several events and efforts that guide the way I view the world. However it is when I peruse the content on this Live – Laugh – Learn website that I am quickly reminded of what separates Algonquin from other institutions – the quality and diversity of the people who work at this College.

In so many ways, we have been successful due to the wide range of talent and interests of so many of our employees. More specifically the content on this website reminds me that we are working in an organization that has a culture where diversity of thought and opinion are welcomed and encouraged. This range of perspectives is demonstrated in the day-to-day behaviors of our employees and tangibly reflected in the wonderful stories and pictures evident in these Live, Laugh, Learn website pages.

Elsewhere, I have quoted Steve Jobs, who once said, “Technology is nothing. What’s important is that you have a faith in people, that they’re basically good and smart, and if you give them tools, they’ll do wonderful things with them”. I leave Algonquin knowing our people are good and they are smart and over the past fifty years, they have indeed gone on to do wonderful things.

As my days as President come to an end, the one recommendation I would have for the employees of Algonquin is for them to continue to focus on the good that we do when we work together. To be great we must remain focused on our goals and not be distracted by the noise of the day. Continue to set your sightlines high and continue to do what you have done so remarkably well over the past sixteen years that I have been with you. That is, work collegially, be committed to student success and serve Algonquin in a way that will help us realize the important mission we have inherited.