
Happy Valentine’s Day Everyone ♥ !

Contributed by Claude Brulé Vice President Academic When I was asked by Rebecca Volk about writing a small intro piece for the spring editon of our Live, Laugh, Learn online newsletter, I didn’t have to think twice. There is so much to write about this time of year, I thought. And as I was about to put pen to paper (or cursor on the screen for our digital fans!), I was suddenly seized with doubt about the topic I was about to write. February, it seemed, could be viewed from so many perspectives, so many lenses. After all, this is a month when so many special events take place – events like the NFL SuperBowl, the Chinese New Year (though not always falling in February as commonly believed), Groundhog Day (a sure harbinger that spring is just around the corner … well it depends what old Phil sees!), and every four years for those of you using the Gregorian calendar, a leap year! But by far, my favourite reason for why February sets itself apart is Valentine’s Day, February 14th. It isn’t just because my wife and I got engaged on that night many moons ago, or the fact that she called it her “national” day! No, it is much more than that, and clearly, I am not alone since googling (yes, I know it isn’t a verb) the words “Valentine’s Day” produced 544,000,000 in 0.15 seconds! Even though the origins of the day are wrapped in mystery, its modern day derivative is all about Love and our desire to express romantic sentiments to those closest to us. Red roses, chocolates, cards and letters, and dinner for two at a fancy restaurant, are some of the typical forms of expression of the love we have for that special someone in our lives. For my wife and I, it is an extravagant home-cooked meal and loving words in a specially-chosen card. Whatever your form of expression, make that day special by being attentive to someone. In fact, for the College, let me suggest that we use the occasion to highlight our “Here2Help” service-oriented motto, and our college values of Learning, Integrity, Respect, and in particular Caring, as a form of loving expression. All of us make the college a great place to work each and every day, and I know that on February 14th, it will be even more special. Happy Valentine’s Day everyone ♥ !