Home – Nov 2015

Welcome by Cathy Frederick, Vice-President, Human Resources

Cathy Frederick VP HRThey say curiosity killed the cat. I say, how better to live and learn! Curiosity seems to have served me well. It is what brought me to Algonquin College and has helped me to find opportunities and learn from interesting experiences.

Since moving to Ottawa to attend Carleton University I have lived in the west end. I have watched as the College footprint expanded, buildings rose and a bridge started arching over Woodroffe Avenue. I noticed that it was taking longer for the mass of students to cross as I waited at the traffic lights each morning. I thought I knew a lot about the College by way of family members who are proud alumni, the extensive program offerings and having taken some courses, and the graduates I have hired. What I didn’t know about, are the really awesome applied research projects, the international presence, the community partnerships and the breadth of employee and student talent. And, the extent to which everyone enjoys sharing a good laugh – aka Air Bands, Halloween.

I have been fortunate to live in a number of cities in Canada and Europe, attending school in four different countries. In each case, my family fully immersed itself in the community and culture. What I experienced is that there is always more than one way to approach things, many ways to celebrate and that people welcome the opportunity to share knowledge to help you understand. I have learned to not only ask the “How” or “What” questions, but to also ask about the “Why”. That is when the history emerges, the story from the heart, the motivation.

During my first few months at Algonquin College, people have readily shared their perspectives, their experiences, proudly toured me through their workplace explaining how they contribute to the success of students and the College and why they are here. While I have not yet met everyone nor visited all the nooks and crannies of the campuses, AC pride is obvious and easily acquired. I’m hooked. My curiosity continues to payoff. Live and learn.