
Duane McNair – VP Finance and Administration
February 2014


It is common to associate this time of year with experiencing the ‘February blahs’ but I see this month as a turning point in the academic year for many reasons both at the College and at home.

We are well into the Winter term and the reading week break for our students is just about upon us. This week is time for students to take a bit of a break from a long academic year, recharge and perhaps go somewhere with a little more sun and warmth. From an administrative perspective, our business plan and annual budget for the upcoming year is being packaged up and readied for presentation to the College Board of Governors. The business plan and budget presentation to the Board caps off a tremendous amount of effort from many staff across the College over the past eight or nine months. Upon reviewing the most current version of the Algonquin Times we see many stories on our Thunder athletic teams, campus activities and accolades for many of our students and colleagues (yes, Brenda Rothwell won another award!).

At home, my kids have completed their first semester high school exams and start a new semester with new courses and teachers. My boys’ hockey seasons are approaching the playoff period and indoor football practices have begun – a sign that spring is just around the corner. My wife and I are starting to turn our attention to March break plans and thinking about how we will spend our summer vacation.

A rise in temperatures this month (could they really go any lower?), longer days and the Olympic games are making me think there are not any ‘blahs’ this February – just some sun and fun coming our way!