
Laura Stanbra, Vice President, Student Services


As I sit to write words of welcome for this issue of Live, Laugh and Learn, I am looking out at the city with our first big snowfall of the year. ..more than 20 centimeters of fresh, white, beautiful snow. From here it is easy to quickly turn our thoughts to December and the holiday season that will soon be upon us (I’m feeling a little fretful because I haven’t put my snow tires on, bought gifts, nor have I started planning something special for my husband’s 50th birthday, which is also right around the corner).
Despite my nagging “to-do list”, I reflect on the fact that this December marks my second anniversary at Algonquin. I can’t help but think how fortunate I am to work in this remarkably dynamic place with a caring community. When things really get hectic, and they often do for all of us, I find it’s helpful to be grateful for what we have and put things in perspective.
I will make a point of keeping thoughts of thankfulness in mind, as we carve out precious time to spend with colleagues at the many festivities during this time of year. It starts with the tree lighting on December 2nd, and builds up steam until we all head off on our merry way for a well-deserved break.
Being thankful and part of a community also includes supporting others who are less fortunate, especially at this time of year, whether they are here at Algonquin, within Ottawa, or internationally. ‘Tis the season of giving, and I’m so proud of the way Algonquin leads by example in the spirit of helping others.
Happy holidays to all,

Laura Stanbra