From the Stoop – April 2016

By Leo Greeley

If I had a magic wand that I could wave over all the people I see from my stoop and I could see what their beliefs were would it change or affect how I feel about them as a person. If their belief structure is that much different from mine or if I have no knowledge of their religion does it incite fear or mistrust? History has shown that it does and that in the name of whomever it is that represents your faith you were given the right or at least the excuse to eliminate or convert those who don’t believe in the same god as you.

Even in today’s enlightened society that hasn’t changed. We all need to sit on our own stoop and throw away that wand and only see the man as a result of their belief and not as a whole.

A former colleague and good friend once asked why I don’t write about how my beliefs affects and for some part shapes who I am. Normally I would be quite private about it because in some circles announcing that you follow Wiccan ideology brings out disdain and even an a condemnation that I would be sent directly to hell for not believing in God. It always amazes me that I would be sentenced to an eternity in a place that does not belong to my faith system and with an anti-deity that is also not in my vocabulary. All of that is another story however.

I am polytheistic in that I believe everyone should follow their own path with conviction and should respect the choices of others. The one thing I would never say is that my way is the only true way. I have read from the Koran, read the bible, and studied various forms of shamanism and see values in all of them.

My belief system revolves around tangible items and my actions affect those around me and the results of those actions return to me whether positive or negative. I have no need to build a lifelong rapport with an invisible deity only to be judged on my overall performance before being allowed to carry on. My judgement is evident every minute of every day and by those that matter. I do not want to be arbitrarily forgiven for my mistakes but instead would prefer to be encouraged to do better in a way that overshadows the oversight. This live and learn makes me a better person overall and if you do believe in an afterlife then you are also believing in a progressive shaping of the identity you will assume in that next life.

Wicca is a relatively modern adaptation of the ancient religions. Like everything else it has to have a label attached and as such it is lumped together under the umbrella of Paganism. I personally don’t think it’s that black and white but for simplicity sake let’s leave it that way for now.

My “version” of Wicca is an earth based religion that has a true respect for nature and it’s inhabitants. Everything I do has a cause and effect reaction to it. We follow the cycles of the moon and the sun and how they affect nature and her rhythms. We celebrate the seasons and the changes they effect. We consider Earth to be a living breathing entity and a sum of its total. To upset her balance has irreparable damage. We believe In the finite energy principle and that our own energy, which is our transferable life force, can be shaped but not destroyed.

We follow a simple creed and base our actions upon it. I find it romantic that all our writings are in rhyme.


Hear now the word of the Witches, the secrets we hid in the night,

When dark was our destinies pathway, that now we bring forth in the light.


Mysterious Water and Fire, The Earth and the wide-ranging Air,

By hidden Quintessence we know Them, and we will keep silent and dare.


The birth and rebirth of all Nature, the passing of Winter and Spring,

We share with the life Universal, rejoice in the Magical Ring


Four times in the year the Great Sabbat, returns, and the Witches are seen,

At Lammas and Candelas dancing, on May Eve and old Halloween


When daytime and nighttime are equal, when sun is at greatest and least,

The four lesser Sabbats are summoned, again Witches gather in feast.


Thirteen silver moons in a year are, thirteen is the Covens array,

Thirteen times at Esbat make merry, for each golden year and a day.


The power has passed down the ages, each time between woman and man

Each century unto the other, ere times and the ages began.


When drawn is the Magickal circle, by sword or athame of power,

Its compass between two worlds lies, in the land of shades of that hour.


Our world has no right to know it, and the world beyond will tell naught,

The oldest of Gods are invoked there, the great work of Magic is wrought.


For two are the mystical pillars, that stand at the gate of the shrine,

And two are the powers of Nature, the forms and the forces divine.


And do what thou wilt be the challenge, so be it in love that harms none,

For this is the only commandment, By Magick of old be it done.


Eight words the Witches Rede fulfill:

If it Harms none, Do what Thou Will!


Ceremonies and rituals call upon deities for their influence but to many people it is acceptable to admit that these deities are symbolic. Earth powers can indeed be associated with Gods like Zeus or Athena or many of the other Gods of time but for some it just gives a name to the immense power their namesake represents. Ceremonies tend to depend more on the wisdom and energy of ones ancestors. It is very common to invite your ancestors to a ceremony.

Much like prayers, magick is the collective voice and energy used to effect change. The “Craft” is the use of this energy along with natures elements and gifts. The 2016 equivalent to this is the long list of home remedies we take for granted and the more organized version as homeopathic.


I always liked this response given to a friend when asking about being a witch.


He asked,

“Baby, what’s the stitch

With you being a witch”

I said,


Let go of your fear

Don’t believe

Everything you hear

I’ll tell you what it means to me

I’m a nature lover a Goddess worshipper and a tree hugger

I honor The Mother

Which until now

In a patriarchal society

That didn’t really


You see?”


I said, “I believe everything has a season

And there are magical things

far beyond Reason


And I don’t believe in what you call

A coincidence

I call it synchronicity

And I call on the guidance of the

Angels and ancestors

Who have come




And I bow to all animals and creatures

As our teachers

From the spider to the fox to the Loon

and I align my life with the phases of the earth

and moon


He asked me, “how did you know?”

I said, “well it began to show

when everyone was lining up

To hear the father in the pews

and I was slipping out barefoot

to hear the secrets

Of the yews.”


How does all this affect a person and make me the man I am today? That actually is the easiest part. I am answerable only to myself. I don’t need the forgiveness or the blind direction of an organization. My values are a direct result of my reverence for all things large and small. I derive satisfaction and pleasure from good returning to me thrice fold. I may never have gotten rich or advanced in a career at the expense of others but I do know I have the respect of those who understood.

I have touched a lot of people in my life and am confident that I touched most of the in a positive way. Some may not realize I had an effect of their outcome and that is OK. There are always some who cross your path and their negativity is so overwhelming that it takes a great deal of control to not let it affect you in a lasting way. It is only now that the shadow of one of those is starting to let light through. Sad thing is he and those like him have no idea the impact they have.

My descendants have already demonstrated an understanding and a wisdom that only comes from pausing to listen and respecting the voices. They will all carve their own path and I know each will respect the others. I have friends who are more attuned to my limitations and who understand the welled up emotions without demanding explanation.

My legacy is forming and it is all because I am true to myself and to the natural elements that allow me to be. I am happy and pleased with who I became but, of course, am never satisfied that I did enough for others.
