Love – April 2016

From The LLL Bar…..

Hosting a brunch event over the summer and looking for a unique cocktail to serve? Thank you to Bartending Coordinator, Antonios Vitaliotis and his students for sharing their amazing, fun ways to challenge your bartending skills! One of their most recent creations… (student team: Natasha Stojanovski, Bobbery Suggashie, Iain Bell)

Russian Breakfast Cocktail

Complete Ingredient List

  • 1 oz Greygoose Vodka
  • 1 oz lemonade/lemon juice
  • Mango Vodka Puree Ravioles (see instructions below)
  • 2 satchets of sodium alginate (4g)
  • ½ teaspoon sugar calcium lactate (2.5mL)
  • 2 cups of mangos
  • 3 oz Vodka
  • 1 tablespoon sugar

How to Make the Cocktail

  1. Add ice to martini shaker.
  2. Add 1oz Greygoose Vodka and 1oz Lemon Juice.
  3. Shake and strain into Martini glass.
  4. Add 1 Mango Vodka Puree Raviole.

*Optional – Add Lemon Zest Twist

How to Make the Mango Vodka Puree Ravioles

  • 2 satchets of sodium alginate (4g)
  • ½ teaspoon sugar calcium lactate (2.5mL)
  • 2 cups of mangos
  • 3 oz Vodka
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  1. To make the alginate bath: dissolve the sodium alginate in 2 cups of water with a hand blender or egg beater. Refrigerate for 15 minutes.
  2. Puree the mangos and sugar with the calcium lactate in a blender.
  3. Using a measuring spoon delicately deposit small quantities of the raspberry puree into the alginate bath. Set aside for 3 minutes.
  4. Pick up the ravioles formed with a pierced spoon and rinse them in a bowl of water.


Photo of Russian Breakfast cocktail, a raw egg in a clear drink.Interested in all things bartending?!

Check out Antonio’s social media!








poerty-1Poetry Passionate …

By Meenakshi Mukherjee

How it all started?

A moment, a glance, a stern sweet stance,

Admitting, admiring, and surrendering with substance.

Did that little girl recognize that she really likes poetry… until one fine day when she was so swamped in her favourite high school course on organic chemistry? Before she realized, she had written her premier poem…. a poetess was born…

What got you interested in poetry?

Feeling him so close to my heart, amazingly close to my skin as well soul albeit,

Engulfed in the whirlpool, outlandishly ripples soothing senses sensuous…


Born in the family where I was not new to those couplets of beautifully aligned words floating around me. Although my father never wrote poems himself, he was an amazing connoisseur and encyclopaedia of poems. I would not be wrong in saying that since my birth I was inspired, though in dormant sense. My innate desire to be the change I really wanted to see around got me going to be on the pathway of activism in personal and professional domains. I always had the streak of an artist, and a creator, along with the traits of an extremely logical, analytical, immaculately organized and a little insane person hiding impeccably soft heart.

Why do you like to write poetry?

The beauty of this life rests in life after life – may not be replicating albeit,

Soul stays alike with nuance re-defined – belief in pre-connections reaffirming astound.

What I liked most about expressing through poetry was it flows and meanders through every pore of our beings and touches everyone in different ways looking via individual lenses. Being the only child growing up at home, I never felt lonely in my aloneness at that time. Poetry came by, as a refuge, even during times of crisis when we all go through testing phase.

What inspires you to write?

Furrowing universes parallel – conceptualizing all in mind,

Reaching out to that soul fatale – communing through layers mellifluously intertwined.

During my grad school days, I read a lot and developed my closeness to the unique concept of parallel universe, opening doors to immense possible selves. My belief that humans as microcosm are part of a bigger macrocosm got re-established, which in turn led me to question our reason for being here in this space-time. And here came the love to love spirituality which consciously took my attention away from all cults and unnecessary rituals. I, surely, realized that it was not easy to talk to people about all these thoughts from my head to theirs. And another challenge was to find those like-minded people… Long story short, to keep my in-sanity and harmony alive, expression through writing poems was a perfect stance to follow.

Memoirs enigmatic commune with souls – never petrified,

The perfect stance shall mystify grace and love glorified…

What type of poetry do you write?

Waves invisible carrying emotions miles apart,

Voices sans le touch, floating stirring thoughts – so stalwart.

For a long time I did not follow any particular style, as I never was trained in writing poems. Let me tell you – in my case, it works like this…. from my heart to yours. So what I am trying to put forward is that sometimes we don’t have to follow a set pre-followed path. We need to be creative in walks of our lives and create our own routes. If we come back to talking about poetry, whatever I start writing on, in the end it comes out to be a romantic poem. Initially, my poems started with an outburst of my personal expression, meant for myself. Later on, my friends related with these so much that they encouraged me to have them shared with community at large. Some of my works have also been used for the purposes of activism and won accolades in various competitions including Alliance Française, World Bank and Soviet Embassy (Beslan tragedy). Furthermore, some of my works are presently displayed on the Employee Talent Board at Algonquin College. Adhering to being a global citizen, sans les frontiers, I write in various languages, i.e. English, Hindi and French.

In my understanding, every time a poem oozes out I re-discover the path (Tao) while being receptive (Yin) and creative (Yang). I also feel that five elements of nature inspire me as they act like energetic blueprint in the fabric of our universe. Currently, I am working on developing my concept of bringing in these energies to the environs we live in so that I can help my fellow beings live with conscious awareness instead of living with intuition. For sure, it would be an extension of my passion for poetry on a larger canvas…

The beauty of this life rests in life paralleled life – may not be replicating albeit,

Soul stays alike with nuance re-defined – belief in pre-connections reaffirming astound.
