Love – Nov 2015

Deep Roots Link Campuses And Provide Touchstone To What Matters

Submitted by Sarah Dehler

National Tree Day_fBlackstein_shawwoods PembrokeLate in August, I sent a casual e-mail message to a few Algonquin College community members who I knew had a connection to trees in one form or another. In my many years of organizing sustainability engagement events and activities for Earth Day, Earth Hour, Waste Reduction Week and hosting Sustainability Days, my eyes had just been opened to the fact that there is an annual National Tree Day that takes place in September. The content of the e-mail was to pose a question of: “What do you think about hosting some form of informal event on September 23, 2015, National Tree Day?”

The response was unanimous. “We’re in!” was the message from leaders at the three Ontario campuses. While not surprised by the positive response (who doesn’t love trees?!), I was somewhat taken aback at the impressive level of enthusiasm from so many Algonquin College employees and students who quickly came together to host some fun and meaningful activities for students and employees at the busy start of the academic year.

At the Perth Campus, there was already a Student Association barbeque lunch planned, which provided a perfect opportunity to add on the planting of a red maple tree and sharing some tree-themed cookies for students. To assist in grandly marking the occasion, Town Crier for Heritage Perth, Ontario, delivered an official address to students to begin the ceremony. Brent McLaren’s message to students is one that is shared by the Algonquin College community:

“Those who teach cannot help but remark on how, like their students, there is hope that what is planted today will grow…. May this tree dig deep roots and grow wide branches to bear witness to your hopes and futures.”

Helping to make the connection between the symbolic act of celebrating trees and the importance of sustainability as part of the Algonquin College culture and learning, additional short statements were shared at the event.

“Sustainability is a key part of our campus, one that is built into our programs,” said Chris Hahn, Dean, Perth adding that the College’s commitment to sustainability comes through in its environmental, social, and economic activities within the community. Indeed, sustainability is literally built right into the Perth campus, which is LEED® Gold certified.

“The environment is very important to all of us,” said Gerry Salisbury, Academic Chair, who added that students “are the future of our environment. [They] will be the drivers of what happens to our planet moving forward.”

Equally engaging events took place at the Pembroke and Woodroffe campuses on a day that was full of sunshine and perfect temperatures for enjoying campus greenspaces.

The team in Pembroke took the opportunity to tap into (pun intended) its community connections for a series of events in the morning. With a number of display tables, students, and employees were invited to learn about trees, sustainability, the forestry industry, and the special places and work of Shaw Woods Outdoor Education Centre, Forests Ontario and Canadian Wildlife Federation.

The applied research projects that have related to trees were highlighted and the Outdoor Education and Adventure Naturalist students led a “Hug-a-Tree” effort with great results.

At the Woodroffe campus, employees were invited to explore the many specimen trees in the horticultural gardens and arboretum near M Building, with a guided tour provided by Steve Neumann, Co-Coordinator of the Horticultural Industries program. A pop-up café format at the Silver maple tree in front of the Robert C. Gillette Student Commons provided a great setting for resident horticulturalist, Beverley Haslegrave to share her knowledge of the majestic tree that graces the front lawn of that building. Fairtrade coffee and Maple leaf shaped sugar cookies were enjoyed by many students as they learned about the tree’s history, participated in a tree quiz organized by the See Earth Action Team for Sustainability, and discovered the new student volunteer program, the AC Green Team.

I do still love the fresh feeling of spring with Earth Day celebrations, but I may have found my new favorite “celebrating sustainability” day with National Tree Day.

The Live Laugh Learn Editorial Committee takes pleasure in welcoming all full & part-time new hires to Algonquin College from June to mid-November 2015!

The list is quite long – so we’ve moved it to it’s own page >>

Waiting to be reincarnated…

The beauty of this life rests in life after life – may not be replicating albeit,
Soul stays alike with nuance re-defined – belief in pre-connections reaffirming astound.

Suave sure auras floating – searching around,
Lovely creatures – wish to amalgamate in unison profound.

How feather light they may touch,
How enigmatically they may sneak in.

Timing of the space and spacing of the times,
Surely fall in place with amazing bit of rhyme.

Memoirs enigmatic commune with souls – never petrified,
The perfect stance shall mystify grace and love glorified…

… Meenakshi Mukherjee … Professor, GenEd – PPSI



John Tattersall

John Tattersall Retirement 20 Aug 2015

“Colleagues from the College joined MC Eric Hollebone, at a retirement send off for the former Director of Physical Resources, John Tattersall on 20 August, 2015 in T102”

Jill Woods

Jill Woods Retirement 30 Sep 2015“Colleagues from the Registrar’s Office bid farewell to Jill Woods at her retirement reception on 30 September, 2015”

2015 Holiday Cocktail!

By Antonios Vitaliotis

Looking for a pretty cocktail to serve at a holiday party? Bartending Coordinator, Antonios Vitaliotis and his students are always working on fun, trendy, tasty treats!

This was their creation this week which you can certainly modify it to your taste. Happy Mixing!

  • 2 cups of frozen strawberries,
  • 300 ml – 1% strawberry milk
  • 2 1/2oz Vodka
  • one scoop of ice
  • 5 xanthan gum (blend all items above together).
  • Foam topper: 3 gr Soy Lecithin, 400 ml peach juice, 1 tbsp of strawberry syrup, 2oz triple sec (emulsification), angel hair (sugar) on top.

Interested in all things bartending?! Check out Antonio’s social media!
