

I am writing this the day before my three-month anniversary at Algonquin. I’m at the Higher Education Conference in Toronto, with Board members and staff, learning about good governance, sharing best practices and listening to very inspiring keynote addresses challenging us to lead with courage and to think about big issues in Canada and the world.

Three months has gone so fast. I have immersed myself in the culture of this wonderful college. You have made me feel very welcome, and your help in learning about your area, your hopes and dreams, and some of our challenges is appreciated very much. The City has opened its arms to me and I feel so comfortable as I get to know our partners – a little bit more each week.

So it seems a perfect time for me to thank you in this issue of Live, Laugh, Learn. I feel like I have lived in this college for some time-it feels comfortable, and for me, a perfect fit. Our students have graced me with samples of their work, demonstrations of their skills, and quiet but profound respect during our Remembrance Day ceremony. I love the buildings, here in Ottawa, in Perth and in Pembroke. I will visit Jazan in January and I am sure I will feel the same Algonquin values being lived there as I do here – Caring, Learning, Integrity and Respect.

We have had some laughs – judging the Air Band competition, dressing up for Halloween (even though that’s really not my thing I had so much fun), and sharing funny stories with all of you when we had a few moments to chat in the halls. These fun times are so important, as they build trust and comradery between us. They can also keep us humble (that would be the dressing up thing).

And I have learned so much about our programs, our culture, our aspirations and our important connections with the communities we serve. I opened each one of my twenty one listening tour sessions talking about this journey we are on together as we steward our College – and I know I will learn something new every day.

Thank you for all you have done for me. I am honoured to be your President.