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Submitted by Tracy Norris, Dual Credit Coordinator

Algonquin College is on track to break the record of 1000 Dual Credit students this year, with the summer program (Summer School Within a College) bringing us to this total. We would like to share one of our student’s inspirational success story with you. This is Amy’s story…

I am a high school student in Ottawa, named Amy Brown. In the fall of 2012 with the help of my high school counselor and the Dual Program at Algonquin, I became a Dual Credit student at Algonquin College. So basically at only seventeen, not only was I a high school student but I was a college student and began attending my first semester at Algonquin in the Cook Apprenticeship Program. I was integrated into classes with the other full time college students at the college and whenever I was not in class, I was busy working and applying my skills at my co-op placement as a cook in the Brookstreet Hotel. This whole experience was certainly challenging, but extremely rewarding, as I continued to earn high school credits to graduate, while completing my first semester in college.

I am pleased to say that I was successful at my co-op placement and in all of my college courses. I am fortunate that now once I graduate from high school this spring, all I need to complete to become a college graduate is my second semester. But my story gets even better. Before I return to school, I am going away to work in England, something I have always hoped to do. With the help of Scotia Personnel and the support of my college instructors, I have been hired to work as a cook in a hotel that the company and I have chosen together. Accommodations and food will be provided by my employer and I will also receive a salary for my work. This is truly a fantastic opportunity to learn and gain experience. For me, the dual credit program has been a great experience – filled with exciting learning, great support, friends and growing opportunity.

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