
  1. None
  2. Well moderated.
  3. Thank you for the opportunity.
  4. ㄱㅅ로ㅛㅠㅏㅑㅓㅐㅣ
  5. Recomiendo que llevas ropa qpropiado para la clima que vas a estar.
  6. Improving workday and business processes.
  7. Thank you!
  8. Having the questions ahead of time rather getting them on the spot.
  9. The squeaky wheel doesn’t always have to get the grease over the people (e.g. middle managers) who prefer to be polite and collegial rather than get angry. If it isn’t a true emergency then proper conversations should be had b4 decisions are made.
  10. Group dynamic meant some things were held back. Interesting mix.
  11. I hope that the online comments will be addressed as well. There seemed to be a lot of “elephants in the room”.
  12. Thank you.
  13. Create actions on Accountability, Corporate Responsibility, (and) Environmental Sustainability.
  14. Group was larger than anticipated and included the Director of the President‘s Office who is also a manager of a team. Both factors may have led to some individuals being reluctant to speak or deciding to hold back.
  15. I appreciate the chance to voice concerns and successes, and to hear the voices of other staff. I look forward to seeing what improvements come out of this process.
  16. In understanding what areas should be focused on, it is very important that students be able to have a say into this.
  17. I thought the Listening Tour was very valuable, thank you for taking the time!
  18. I hope that concerns raised that aren’t immediately acted upon don’t die.
  19. Great Work – having a number of avenues for feedback is useful.
  20. Great session and a great format.
  21. Great work, Elizabeth 🙂
  22. It was really great.
  23. I think everyone in the room was very comfortable and appreciated the opportunity.
  24. You have managers who outright tell employees they and their ideas do not matter. Who can feel valued and want to contribute when they are constantly shoved aside? HUGE ISSUES are ignored from Manager right up to Director.
  25. Great session and great moderator! Thanks.
  26. Communicate follow up plan to ideas.
  27. To continue to have a learn(ing) lens and mindset.
  28. I appreciated the opportunity to express my opinions and my view points in a very positive and supportive environment! Thank you!
  29. I would have kept it an open convo… less facilitation… let people discuss each point together.
  30. Since I am a new hire, it was very insightful hearing other college’s opinion on challenges and opportunities at the College.
  31. Well done for listening attentively. Great facilitation Elizabeth!
  32. Without any action taken being heard does not mean anything to me. I would be very interested to know the next steps that will be taken by the President. I many times addressed the issues and being “heard”, but very minimal or no actions were taken.
  33. This was great!
  34. I would have liked to have some input by the President.
  35. All participants to introduce themselves and their role; especially if combining different departments or areas.
  36. A full time faculty member should be linked to each course in our program, to act as a mentor for part time instructors teaching that course, to update course outlines, and to ensure that the course is updated annually.
  37. Thank you for this opportunity to provide our thoughts and feedback.
  38. Can’t think of anything.
  39. One piece – internationalization and the support for Int’l learners, faculty, services, and the College as a whole which ‘adopts’ these learners into the Algonquin family.
  40. Such a worthwhile discussion.
  41. Thanks for listening – please continue to do this! There is also a feeling of hope with Claude as President.
  42. I like these sessions.
  43. Wished more Faculty attended. Would have liked to see a Student Rep attend also.
  44. Perth staff are dedicated and loyal.
  45. I thought it was excellent. I commend Claude for being quiet throughout the session; I can’t say I would have been so successful. It was well run and everybody had a chance to have their say. I look forward to the output from the sessions.
  46. Not at this time. I look forward to seeing the outcome from these sessions.
  47. I think I’d add student voice and I think big picture is good, but it’s also good to make things realistic.
  48. Looking forward to seeing some of these plans/ideas implemented.
  49. I would leave a little more time for questions that generate more conversation.
  50. Good session. Excellent discussion. Constructive and respectful.
  51. Thank you for the opportunity. (This) was also a good chance to hear our colleagues’ thoughts and perspectives.
  52. Great opportunity to share ideas.
  53. This was great! Please implement the suggestions from the manager group. We work very hard and it was very empowering to meet as a group and be heard.