Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is a Listening Tour?
Why conduct a Listening Tour?
When will the President’s Listening Tour sessions occur?
Where will the President’s Listening Tour sessions be held?
How long are the President’s Listening Tour sessions?
What happens in each listening session?
Do I use technology in the session?
Why is there a facilitator for the listening sessions?
How will my responses be included?
How will notes be taken to document comments in session?
How do I ensure my comments are listed correctly?
What happens when the Listening Tour sessions are over?
Will there be any consequences if I choose to contribute?

  1. What is a Listening Tour?

    Listening Tours are held by leaders who want to receive input from their constituents on decisions ahead. The employees and students who choose to take part will begin to identify College priorities ahead. They will be part of an open discussion to create a bright and sustained future for Algonquin College.

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  2. Why conduct a Listening Tour?

    Conducted in smaller groups, leaders participate in listening sessions to discuss difficult issues and uncover big ideas. Due to the informal approach, leaders hope to engage in dialogue, spark new ideas, and where there are different views, to create an environment where discovery occurs.

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  3. When will the President’s Listening Tour sessions occur?

    The President is scheduled to engage in informal conversations with employees and students from September 26th – November 15th this fall.

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  4. Where will the President’s Listening Tour sessions be held?

    The Listening Tour is scheduled to stop in Perth, Pembroke, Ottawa and online. There are sessions scheduled late in the day and over lunch to ensure part-time employees have the opportunity to attend.

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  5. How long are the President’s Listening Tour sessions?

    Each session will be 90 minutes in duration to be sure there is enough time for everyone attending to participate in the conversation.

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  6. What happens in each listening session?

    The President opens each session with the assistance of a third party facilitator and an observer who set the stage for an informal discussion. In conversation, employees and students are asked to respond to four questions. The facilitator and an observer take notes of employee and student contributions in each session.

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  7. Do I use technology in the session?

    Attendees are asked to use technology briefly at the start and the end of the live session by entering a code and providing a response online at www.menti.com. Otherwise, attendees are asked to resist the use of technology to ensure full participation live in-session.

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  8. Why is there a facilitator for the listening sessions?

    A third party facilitator outlines the agenda and expectations for the session. The facilitator moderates the discussion to ensure there is active participation and that all attendees have an opportunity to respond within the time allotted.

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  9. How will my responses be included?

    The listening sessions are open to all employees and students. Feedback may be provided live in session, online, or by email at listening@echomarcom.com. A name will not be attributed to comments (unless the person chooses to do so).

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  10. How will notes be taken to document comments in session?

    The facilitator (on folio sheets) and the observer (on a computer) take notes to track the contributions of employees and students in each session. Comments are anonymous. The opinions are written down without the names of the speakers who provide them live in session.

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  11. How do I ensure my comments are listed correctly?

    There will be time at the end of each session for individuals to provide written comments. Once the session ends, the organizing team will gather the notes and post them to the dedicated web page for each question at www.algonquincollege.com/listening-tour/. Attendees are invited to review the contributions posted. Your feedback is welcome to improve notes listed online at listening@echomarcom.com.

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  12. What happens when the Listening Tour sessions are over?

    Once all of the ideas are listed online, the organizing team will create a report summarizing the comments received in all of the listening sessions. ‘Themes’ will emerge from a review of the data as a whole. Where possible, themes will include a selection of opportunities and challenges. The President will review the ideas and, in consultation with the Executive Team, will report back to the College.

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  13. Will there be any consequences if I choose to contribute?

    Employees and students are asked to provide their comments and ideas openly, free of consequence. However, attendees are expected to consider the College values of Caring, Learning, Integrity and Respect when they engage with their peers, the President and the organizers in session. At all times, those who may wish to seek out wellness resources may find help at https://www.algonquincollege.com/hr/wellness/ for employees or https://www.algonquinsa.com/getinvolved/wellness/ for students.