
Six Steps for Successful Research

Does hearing the phrase “research paper” suddenly send you into stress mode? You’re not alone! Many learners feel overwhelmed when assigned such in-depth and detailed assignments. If this is your first time writing a research paper and you’re not sure where to start, we can help make the process less intimidating. If you do have previous experience doing research, it never hurts to acquire new strategies that can help take your skills to the next level.

We believe the easiest way to tackle a large assignment is to break it down into smaller steps. Instead of attacking your research paper head on, we’ve created a plan to help guide you through each stage of the writing process:

Define Your Topic

Picking a good topic is key and can make or break the research process. So, what makes a good topic? We suggest choosing a subject that interests you and will hold your attention. Explore what information is available on that topic to ensure that you can find what you need. If a topic is too specific, you may need to expand your search; if the topic is too vague, you may need to narrow it down. Turn your topic into a question and see if you can argue or prove it. The following resources can help you with this step:

Plan your Search

Once you have spent some time gathering background information on your topic, you should have a decent grasp of some search terms that would be relevant to your subject.

  • Check out the library’s Subject Guides to find resources that would make a good starting point for your research.
  • Use a thesaurus to find synonyms that could help expand your search results, and make sure to record your sources as you go.
  • For further help planning your search terms visit Step 2 of the Research Guide.
  • Register for an upcoming Starting a Paper – Improving Your Search Strategies Workshop to learn how to produce appropriate search terms and find resources using the web and library resources.

Search for Resources

Once you have committed to your topic and know which search terms to use, you can start finding credible and relevant resources. This step will be more time consuming than the first two – just remember to take it all in stride and try not to get overwhelmed. Identify what resources are required for your assignment (type of publication, date range, how many sources you need etc.) and then search across all resources with the help of the library’s Page 1+ search tool. You can also search directly within the A-Z Database list.

For help using Page 1+, check out our related FAQ’s or book a one-on-one research appointment with Library staff. The following resources can also help:

  • Explore Step 3 of our Research Guide to find tutorials, tips for search strategies and in-depth information on evaluating web resources.
  • The Learning Portal’s Fake News Hub will help you to recognize common indicators of fake news, understand the consequences of careless sharing, and learn to become a fact-checker.
  • Check out the Learning Portal’s How to Research module to learn more about the different types of resources and how to search through a library or on the web.
  • Register for an upcoming Evaluating Resources Workshop to find out how to evaluate the quality of resources using the ‘C.R.A.A.P’ test—a guideline for critically analyzing sources—so you can avoid fake news and ensure quality research.

Create an Outline

Once you have found relevant resources, you can use these sources to begin building your argument. To start creating an outline, you want to read all the sources you have collected and take notes as you go; make sure to keep track of your sources in an organized way.

When you are ready to draft your thesis statement, remember that it needs to reflect the main argument of your paper and should only be 1-2 sentences long. It is best to outline the structure of your paper before you start writing it; this will help you to determine your main points and organize your research.

  • Step 4 of our Research Guide will help you develop your thesis statement and create an effective outline of your paper.
  • The Coaching Lab offers free online and on-campus (Ottawa) Coaching in the subject of writing. Coaches can help you with grammar, brainstorming and outlining, preliminary research, thesis development, formatting a paper, and more.

Write your Paper

This is the last step in the research paper writing process! At this point you should have a thesis statement, an outline, and a collection of sources and notes; everything you need to put together your research paper.

  • Step 5 of our Research Guide will point you towards resources that can help structure your paragraphs, incorporate your sources, and guide you through the editing process.
  • Register for any of the upcoming Research & Writing workshops to find out how to start a paper, how to find academic articles and other resources, and more.

Cite your Sources

You will be required to cite your sources. Citing is an extremely important part of the research paper writing process as it is the best way to avoid plagiarism. It provides credit to the original source, helps prove the legitimacy of your research, and gives professors the ability to find the information used in your work. Fortunately for you, there are several resources that can help you with citation:

  • Check out the Citing and Documenting Sources Guide to find citation style guides and tools.
  • Visit the Learning Portal’s How to Cite module for help understanding the different citation styles and for an explanation on how to cite various sources.
  • Register for an upcoming Cite Right! APA Bootcamp workshop to gain hands-on experience creating references for different types of sources.
  • Also check out the new AI: Generative Intelligence guide to learn more about citing AI tools in your work. Before you cite, confirm with your instructor that the use of AI tools, such as ChatGPT, are allowed for your assignment.

With so many supportive services and resources available to you, research doesn’t have to be stressful! If you have questions, please visit your campus Library in person, or contact us online via our Library Live Chat.

The Library & SLC: Here to Support Your On-Campus & Online Learning!

A big welcome to all our new and returning students! Whether you’re taking classes on-campus or online (or both!) we want to assure you that the Library and Student Learning Centre (SLC) have a variety of services available to support your learning.

*Please note, some of our online resources will require you to login with your College Network Account.

Explore our list of services and resources:

  • Library Space:
    The Library space at the Ottawa campus is open 24/7 and features a silent study room and a bookable meeting room (more meeting rooms are available on the 2nd floor of C Building). The Library help desks are available to assist you during business hours.
  • Library Live Chat:
    Our Library Live Chat service is available Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. If you require more in-depth, one-on-one research help, please book an online or in-person Research Appointment with our staff.
  • Borrowing Books:
    If you would like to borrow a book from your campus Library, you can request the item online using Page 1+ or you can visit your local campus Library in person. You will need your AC card to borrow books. Click here for more information on how to request items.
  • Returning Books:
    Books may be returned to your campus Library drop box.
  • Digital Resource Collections:
    Access the library’s A-Z digital resource collections, this includes databases, eBooks, online videos, journals, and more. Digital resources are available 24/7 and require you to login to your College Network Account.
  • eBooks and Audiobooks Collections:
    Access electronic books on a wide variety of subjects. Find instructions on how to locate, use and download eBooks to different devices in our eBooks Guide.
  • Essential Skills Guides:
    Explore a variety of online guides that cover essential skills such as citing sources, avoiding plagiarism, research, math, English communication, technology, study skills, and much more.
  • FAQ’s:
    Find answers to commonly asked questions.
  • Coaching Lab:
    The Coaching Lab offers all Algonquin College students individual and small group coaching, both online and on-campus, at no charge. The areas of coaching offered are computer, math, writing, ESL, study skills, presentation skills, research, and anatomy/biology.
    *Pembroke students can also visit the Pembroke Campus Student Support Lab page to book an appointment with a Pembroke Campus Coach.
  • Peer Tutoring:
    If you’re a student who finds themselves experiencing difficulties in a course or are struggling to understand a concept being covered in class, Peer Tutoring can help. This service matches you with a trained student tutor for one-on-one tutoring. Tutors are students who graduated from the class before and did well in it. The fee for tutoring is $8.00 per hour. Peer Tutoring appointments are offered online and on-campus.
  • Skill-building Workshops:
    Students can participate in workshops to develop and strengthen fundamental skills such as research, writing, digital skills, and study skills to help you succeed in classes. These workshops are offered both online and on-campus, and are free to attend.
  • Online Video Collections:
    Access multiple online video collections on a wide variety of topics. Find instructions for finding, using, downloading and embedding online videos in our how-to guide.
  • Page 1+:
    Meet the Library’s new resource search tool. Research more effectively and discover access to industry-relevant resources.
  • Open Educational Resources (OER):
    Find free, openly licensed images, videos, icons, course material, textbooks and more within our Open Educational Resources Guide.
  • Subject Guides:
    These are curated guides for specific programs and areas of study. This is a great starting point for new students and for those doing preliminary research!
  • The Learning Portal:
    The Learning Portal provides shared access to resources from all Ontario Colleges. Explore modules related to learning online, study skills, digital skills, writing, research, math, career exploration, and more.

    • Maamwi Hub: The Maamwi Hub is inspired by the TRC 94 Calls to Action to ensure that the 24 Colleges of Ontario lead in the education of staff and students on the diverse Indigenous histories, cultures, and current Indigenous worldviews. We hope that the Maamwi Hub will be a part of your ongoing reconciliation journey.

For more information, please visit us in-person or connect with us online. Have a great first week!

Join Us for AC Day 1 on September 5th!

Autumn is in the air and with it comes a fresh start to the school year! Join us for all the activities happening on September 5, 2023 for AC Day 1 and discover how the Library and Student Learning Centre (SLC) can support you in your journey towards academic success this semester and beyond.

Library Tours

This short walk through our beautiful library will introduce attendees to our onsite services and resources; such as the silent study area, collaborative learning spaces, and helpful staff. Learn how easy it is to use our self-checkout kiosks to borrow books and find out how to borrow laptops from our new 24h laptop lockers! You’ll also learn about our Coaching and Peer Tutoring Services and meet Page 1+; – it’s a lot like Google, but instead of searching the web, it searches the library’s online and in-house collection!

Event Location: Attendees to meet at the Library main desk in Room C350 (3rd Floor, C Building)

  • 11:00am – 12:00pm
  • 1:00pm – 2:00pm
  • 3:00pm – 4:00pm

On-Campus Workshops (Ottawa Campus)

Getting Started with Brightspace & Zoom
In this workshop, you’ll get to know Brightspace, the online platform for your courses. You will learn how to access your course materials, submit assignments, take quizzes, see your grades, and more. You will also learn about Zoom, including how to set up your Zoom account, adjust your account settings for security, schedule your own zoom meetings, and work with your classmates.
*Please note, this workshop is first-come, first-serve due to limited spaces.

Event Location: Library Learning Lab (Room C263, 2nd Floor, C Building)

  • 9:00am – 10:00am

Getting Started with Brightspace, Email, and Microsoft 365
In this workshop, you will find out how to sign in and navigate Brightspace, the online platform for your courses, so you are comfortable using it. The workshop covers how to access your course material, submit assignments, take quizzes, see your grades, and more. You will also learn about your student email and some of the Microsoft 365 apps, like Word and Teams, that you can access through your email account and that can help you in your studies.
*Please note, this workshop is first-come, first-serve due to limited spaces.

Event Location: Library Learning Lab (Room C263, 2nd Floor, C Building)

  • 10:00am – 11:00am

Can’t attend a session? Click here to check out the Student Learning Centre‘s workshops running daily from August 21 to September 8.

Introduction to the Library
In this workshop, attendees will learn how to search through the library website to find ebooks, videos, articles, tutorials, statistics, and more! You’ll also learn new strategies for navigating our online resources and digital collections to easily find the resources you are looking for. *Please note, this workshop is first-come, first-served due to limited spaces.

Event Location: Library Learning Lab (Room C263, 2nd Floor, C Building)

  • 2:00pm – 3:00pm

Online Workshops

Introduction to the Library
In this workshop, you will learn how to search through the library website to find eBooks, videos, articles, tutorials, statistics, and more! You’ll also learn new strategies for navigating our online resources and digital collections to easily find the resources you are looking for.

Event Location: Virtual Event via Zoom. To join the session, click here.

  • 10:00am – 11:00am

Can’t attend this session? Library workshops will be running weekly throughout September. Visit the Workshops website to view the monthly schedule and sign up.

Getting Started with Brightspace & Zoom

In this virtual workshop, you’ll get to know Brightspace, the online platform for your courses. You will learn how to access your course materials, submit assignments, take quizzes, see your grades, and more. You will also learn about Zoom, including how to set up your Zoom account, adjust your account settings for security, schedule your own zoom meetings, and work with your classmates.

Event Location: Virtual Event via Zoom. To join the session, click here.

  • 12:00pm – 1:00pm

Can’t attend this session? Click here to check out the Student Learning Centre‘s workshops running daily from August 21 to September 8.

To View the full schedule of AC Day 1 activities and events please click here.

Say Yes to Less Stress

School. Work. Social life. Juggling all of our responsibilities and commitments can sometimes be overwhelming. That’s why we we want to help you get through the rest of the semester in the healthiest and most positive way possible! Keep reading to discover AC services, strategies, tips, and techniques to support your mental health and wellbeing.

Managing Stress

Sign up for an upcoming Stress Management Workshop. These sessions are led by an Algonquin College counsellor and will help you learn more about practical strategies to help with stress management so that you can better focus on your learning!

*This is an online event. Event URL will be sent via registration email.

  • Thursday, March 16, 2023 / 11:00am – 12:00pm
  • Wednesday, March 29, 2023 / 3:00pm – 4:00pm

For more self-guided stress management strategies, we recommend exploring the Essential Study Skills Guide. Here you will find modules covering:

  • How to cope with stress
  • Changing your perception of stress
  • Problem solving to manage stress

The Learning Portal

The Well-being hub was designed to help develop strategies to improve your overall state of happiness and health. Complete the Well-being Assessment to determine the areas of wellness where you are thriving and the ones that may need greater attention or explore these eight modules to find tips and techniques for improving wellness in different areas of your life:

Finding Support

You don’t have to do it alone! If you find yourself struggling or feeling overwhelmed by stress, we encourage you to reach out and connect with the services and resources available to help.

It’s Not to Late to Participate in Procrastination Awareness Week 2023!

Procrastination Awareness Week (PAW) is a cross-institutional collaboration that invites students to learn more about procrastination, develop effective habits, and connect with one another. Students are invited to attend remote workshops to learn strategies related to focus and concentration, motivation, time management, writing, studying, and exam preparation. The PAW programming will feature remote workshops to help students learn strategies related to focus and concentration, motivation, time management, writing, studying, and exam preparation as well as a virtual study hall for students who are looking to work alongside others and make progress on their end-of-term to do lists. The event is free, open, virtual, and inclusive and features some of the best procrastination-related programming from across participating institutions.

The goals of PAW include:

1. Increasing awareness about procrastination (what it is, how it happens, and how to work with it)

2. Supporting students to set achievable learning/study goals

3. Supporting students to develop effective academic habits

4. Supporting students to make progress on their end-of-term to do list

5. Connecting students with one another so that they can exchange tips and tricks

All students are invited to register, for free, here:
Please note, all events will take place on Zoom.


Start Your College Journey on a Positive Path!

Welcome to college! You could be feeling excited or nervous – or both! You may find yourself thinking “I’ve made it here but what are my next steps supposed to be?”

Enter the Where Do I Begin hub! This hub is just the first in a series of supportive modules found within The Learning Portal; an amazing resource that offers shared access to resources from all Ontario Colleges. The Where Do I Begin hub will familiarize you with some of the most important things you need to know when starting out in college.

Getting Started

Follow the 7 steps to success found within the Getting Started module of the Where Do I Begin hub and discover more services that will help you along the way!

  1. Get connected to online tools – register for a free workshop and learn to navigate key technology used regularly at Algonquin College, such as Zoom, Brightspace, email, Microsoft 365, and more!
  2. Learn how to get things done – Resist the temptation to put things off and get started on your assignments sooner! Explore these Time Management modules to gain simple techniques to plan your time more effectively and get into a routine that works for you.
  3. Start planning your schedule early – Many students don’t plan to fail; they just fail to plan. Learn how to make a semester plan and create a weekly schedule to ensure that you start and stay on the right track.
  4. Learn how to take study-worthy notes – Do you find it difficult to listen, take notes and absorb everything all at the same time? You’re not alone! Even if you are attending class online and can access a recorded version of a lecture, it’s still important to take efficient notes that you can use for studying. Visit the Taking Notes in Class module to learn how to balance tasks more efficiently and in a style that works for the way you learn.
  5. Learn to understand what you read – The Reading with Purpose module will help you develop key strategies and techniques to better absorb information you have read.
  6. Learn about available services – There are many college services available to help you! The Library and Student Learning Centre (SLC) offer support in areas such as research, citing, study skills, math, presentations skills, Coaching, Peer Tutoring, and more. Visit the Services webpage to discover how we can support you throughout the school year.
  7. Ask questions – Don’t be afraid to reach out! Visit your campus Library or use our online Library Live Chat service to connect quickly with library staff who are available to help you in real time.

Whether you’re attending classes on-campus or online, start your college journey on the right path by following these steps and seek help when you need it – the key to success lies within you!

Best of luck with your first week of classes!

Discovery begins on Page 1+

The AC Library is excited to announce the official launch of Page 1+, the innovative new search tool for industry-relevant resources!

Page 1+ gives you easy access to the library’s collection. These resources have been hand-selected to be up to date and relevant to the specific programs offered by Algonquin College. With its intuitive design and powerful engine, Page 1+ will empower our students to complete their assignments more efficiently and effectively than ever before!

Here’s what you need to know:

  • Page 1+ is convenient. Regardless of when, where or what you’re studying, Page 1+ users will experience free, convenient access to their college library’s collection of expertly curated materials. The Page 1+ platform’s intuitive and accessible design takes the work out of research, inviting discovery, encouraging curiosity, and steering its users towards success.
  • Page 1+ is easy. With its single sign-on feature, discovering and accessing resources is a seamless experience. Users will no longer require a separate library account to login and can use their College Network Account.
  • To ensure your course materials are up to date, please check your Brightspace links. Links harvested directly from the database source will continue to work during/after this upgrade. Links harvested from our One Search tool should be replaced with a direct link to the source database before August 31, 2022.

Questions about Page 1+? Visit our How to Use Page 1+ Guide or contact us at for support.