Workshops to Help You Succeed!
Posted on Tuesday, April 2nd, 2024
Have you ever wished someone could show you how to conduct research, correctly craft citations, write an engaging paper, or even make studying less stressful and more effective, you’re in luck!
The Library, Student Learning Centre, and Student Support Services offer a variety of skill-building workshops to help support your success. These sessions are available to all Algonquin College students and are free to attend!
Some featured workshops for April include:
- Cite Right! APA Bootcamp: This workshop covers how to use the APA citation style for academic purposes. It will familiarize you with how to use in-text citations within the body of the paper and the associated APA rules relating to quotes, paraphrases, and multiple author names. It also covers how to format a Reference List according to APA style rules.
- Creating Meaningful Connections – Building Healthy Friendships and Relationships: Having close friendships and relationships is seen as one way to improve mental and physical well being but creating and maintaining relationships is tough. Join us for this session to learn about the benefits of creating meaningful connections and start to learn some basics on how to create them and measure for yourself if they are healthy relationships.
- Searching the Library with Page 1+: Meet Page 1+ – it’s a lot like Google, but instead of searching the web, it searches the library’s online and in-house collection! This workshop will introduce you to Page 1+ and show you how it can be used for your assignments and projects. Learn how to manage your account, save your searches, track your sources, and more.
- Study Skills: Exam Prep: This workshop will help you to plan out your time in the weeks leading up to exams so that you have enough time to study each subject. It will also introduce the “Stoplight Study Technique” to help you determine what material you need to cover. Other strategies will include study techniques for particular types of exam questions and memory tools that can improve your exam results.
Please click here to view the complete monthly schedule of workshops.

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- Ottawa campus Services Study Skills Workshops